Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare - Return & Earn fundraising drive28 Nov 2018 (All day)![]() Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare are now listed as a donation partner on the Reverse Vending Machines at Woolworths Wagga Wagga North (Gurwood St) and Woolworths Lake Albert Road. Simply return your containers as normal, then select the option on the machine to donate your refund, and pick Wagga Urban Landcare as your donation partner.
Please help Wagga Landcare raise funds, by returning all your drink containers over the Christmas/New Year period!
Leeton Glossy Black Cockatoo Count 18-02-2023
In order to protect the privacy of the Landholders that gave us access to their properties for us to conduct this count. The area that we counted in as hill area surrounding Brobenah Hall, and Colinroobie Rd. In total we surveyed 8 sites from a possible 16 to 20 Dams that are adjacent to the Glossy Back Cockatoo (GBC) feeding area In total there were 28 GBC sighted, including last season’s Juveniles as below. As always there are many other birds and animals that will come in to drink at this time of the evening. The combined bird list from all sites is |
Bringing Back the Bunyip Bird
It was well organised by a team from Local Land Services in collaboration with landholders on the Bittern Friendly rice program and supported by SunRice, Australian and NSW Government and the National Landcare program. It was well attended by many other organisations including Murray Darling Wetlands Working Group, MDBA, CMA, NPWS, Commonwealth Environmental Water managers as well as environmental water managers from DPE. Environmental consultants and researchers also thought this a worthwhile cause by attending this conference. Birdlife, Landcare groups, Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists and people who monitor wetlands were well represented. Various rural and environmental consultants and water delivery corporations were also represented. Delegates from as far away as New Zealand, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland were present. Well, everyone who was anyone was there. |
Bring Back the Glossy Black
Murrumbidgee Landcare along with the Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists and Narrandera Landcare thought a Glossy Black-Cockatoo (GBC) day would be a valuable way of celebrating biodiversity in the district. Gathering a team of people who have been involved in the monitoring, protecting, research and understanding of the Glossy Black-Cockatoo was one of the aims of the workshop. Understanding what has been done in the past will help us to determine what needs to happen in the future. Rankins Springs farmer and Naturalist Rodney Guest started the day telling us about farmers in the Rankins Springs region who have been involved in educating the local community (Farmers and School children) in the habitat required for the GBC. They installed large nest boxes made from recycled material with cherry pickers 6 meters high in large Eucalypts to hopefully attract the GBC to the nest. Being so high they are very difficult to monitor which has been a problem for the evaluation of the idea. Major Mitchells have been seen nesting in smaller versions that have lids. But at this stage no GBC has been found in the larger open topped ones. |
A Scene Serene 13 March 2022
Quite a few bush birds flitted through the canopy of the towering River Red gums standing sentinel over this tranquil scene. One welcome arrival was a Peaceful Dove, who surveyed us curiously, anointed our senses with one of bushland's most sonorous calls, and continued on its way. There were also quite a few White-plumed Honeyeaters frolicking in the treetops, also singing beautifully; as was a Grey-shrike Thrush. But Betty's gimlet gaze was fixated on more lowly things, like a large fan-shaped lichen growing on the bridge rails – which she generously described as “magnificent”. What was probably more magnificent was the Superb Parrot she and Warrick spied on our way to the next stop. |
The state of our local wetlands Dec 2021/Jan2022
I recall in early December that the water level at Fivebough was getting to a point where we might have to request eWater to be put in as Australasian Bitterns had been reported ‘booming’ there and the water had to be maintained at a good level for the birds to stay and possibly nest. Well Mother Nature solved that problem for us, as we all know with lots of good rains over the two months that has certainly maintained the high water level in all our wetlands. Campbell’s Wetland, in particular, had so much rain in early January that the boardwalk went underwater and the walk was considered dangerous so that David Kellett was forced to install a barricade at its start (photo). Likewise for Fivebough, the pathways were flooded in parts but the wetland was accessible with a little wading along the way. This ensured the bitterns were able to stay as the water level and massive club grass was perfect for them to set-up breeding areas and attract females with their booming. At least 3, if not 4 birds were calling in the early morning and evening, so we are hopeful that there is breeding activity taking place there for the first time in quite a few years. |
Fivebough Wetlands – where are the birds?
These days it is not uncommon, especially at weekends, to find a dozen or more cars parked along Petersham Road with family groups doing the circuit but not really taking much notice of what they see. There are, however, a very dedicated group of daily birdwatchers, like me, who go to see what changes have occurred and what new birds have come in and which ones have disappeared. There was great excitement when a family of Magpie Geese ended up in the main northern pond with 10 goslings in tow! They were there for several days but on Monday the 23rd of August, they were nowhere to be seen and since then have not reappeared. What happened to them is a mystery as a fox or two couldn’t take all 10 goslings overnight nor would the 4 accompanying escort adults allow that to happen as they are very defensive of their young. If they were moved it is inconceivable that the 10 chicks could have been moved any great distance. So their disappearance remains a complete mystery. The regulars still hope they will reappear but so far that hasn’t happened so I suspect they have departed the wetlands – where to is anyone’s guess. |
Our Visit to Gillenbah State Forest
The site of Gillenbah State Forest was probably a woodland with a shrubby understorey and with cypress pine regeneration. In 1802 it was described as pine scrub which is likely to have been pine as a dominant species in association with box and a range of shrubby species. The forest has been grazed with sheep and cattle since then. The leasees were meant to control rabbits and maintain fences but maybe they didn’t. Lack of regeneration because of grazing and rabbit infestation meant that Cypress Pine was a diminishing resource. Grazing changed the composition of native grasses. The stock compacted the ground and weeds infestation occurred around water points. The myxomatosis spread in the 1950’s had limited impact in these forests. It was only when 1080 began to be used together with mechanical ripping of rabbit warrens in the 1960’s that regeneration occurred. |
Unusual sightings in Leeton June 2021
A female Red-winged Parrot was photographed by Anne Lepper in her front garden in Catalpa Road on 15 June. She was quite surprised and submitted the photo to Australian Native Birds site on Facebook. It has been seen in her garden daily ever since, both morning and late afternoon often in the company of 8 or more Superb Parrots feeding in the same trees – Chinese Elms. There was much discussion on Facebook about the bird and it appears that the bird escaped from an aviary in Wamoon when the cage that it was in blew over and the door came open releasing the bird. It was reported that 2 birds a male and female escaped but only the female has been sighted. This bird is native to northern NSW and is found further north than here. There have been sightings of this parrot in Merriwa in the Upper Hunter which is unusual to be that far east of its normal range. When my father was alive and I visited in Tamworth, I would often see them along the road just out of Coolah heading north. This is possibly the southern end of their range and they are very common in western Queensland and the Northern Territory with birds easily seen around Darwin. |
The Ironbark Picnic Ground Excursion 24 April 2021
So the six of us that turned up (this most welcomely included the Ranger, Jess Murphy who wanted to learn from us more about her park) had a more leisurely stroll around part of the Flats. The first part of our walk followed the foot of the cliffs to the end of the spur. Jess soon revealed her interest in butterflies when a couple fluttered by, only Common Browns and they scarcely settled on anything much to the chagrin of the photographers. They did however spark a discussion on insects and other smaller things in life. Why don’t we pay more attention to these? |