The annual Bushcare’s Major Day Out (BMDO) will take place as part of Landcare Week this September. Groups are invited to sign up for a great day out, where you can enjoy yourselves in the great outdoors whilst raising local community awareness of the work you do.
If you register early, you automatically go in the draw to win one of ten spending vouchers valued at $50 for your Bushcare's Major Day Out in 2014.
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About Bushcare
Bushcare is a national movement which started in the suburbs of Sydney in the 1980s. This environmental volunteer work (sometimes called Urban Landcare) occurs mostly on public land: in bushland, wetlands and around waterways managed by local councils or NSW government agencies. Environmental volunteering programs such as Bushcare have steadily grown since their inception and are now an accepted and successful partnership between many government land management organisations and community members.
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