When: Thursday 5 June
Where: Murrumbateman Recreation Hall
Guest Speaker: South East LLS Ranger
Topic: 1080/Pindone training for fox baiting
The MLG meeting will be a feral fox baiting training session from 6pm - 9pm at Murrumbateman Recreation Hall. All members and interested others are welcome to attend- you do not need to be a landholder if you would like to learn more about fox control.
Help Make Our District Safer for Farm Animals and Native Wildlife
Is your property 10ha or more in size? If so, please help us reverse the destruction caused by the fox and reduce lamb and wildlife losses in our region. You can do this by joining a local baiting group operating under the supervision of Biosecurity Officers from the South East Local Land Service. We need everybody, both new property owners and those with have years of experience in fox control, to be involved. Here is how it will work:
We will be expanding the number of local fox control groups operating in the district. There will be a group nearby we can introduce you to.
Group leaders will help you in ordering fox baits twice a year which you can collect at a convenient local place eg a fire brigade shed or local property
Free Training
To lay baits, you must be an “Authorised 1080 User” or hold a chemical safety certificate. Training through South East Local Landcare only takes a few hours. If you are new to fox control or an old hand needing re-accreditation, you can take advantage of the following free training sessions coming up.
Thursday 5 June, 6pm – 9pm Murrumbateman Rec Hall
RSVPs are essential for these courses. Places are limited. To reserve your place or register your interest in joining a fox control group please:
Phone Brenda or Chloe on 62261155
E mail your contact details to FFF@yan.org.au [1]
Go to http://eepurl.com/Sfu8f [2] follow us on Facebook at http://Facebook.com/FeralFoxFighters [3]
There are other sessions also
Monday 2 June, 6pm – 9pm St Edmunds Anglican Church Hall,Gunning
Thursday 5 June, 6pm – 9pm Murrumbateman Recreation Hall
Tuesday 24 June, 11am – 3pm* South East Local Landcare Office, Yass
» Murrumbateman Landcare [4]
- Murrumbateman [5]