Where: 'Bundidgerry', Mountain Vale Rd, Murrumbateman. Turn off Murrumbateman Rd into Dicks Creek Rd, travel approx. 2.4 km and turn left into Mountain Vale Rd, follow to the top of the hill and turn right into 'Bundidgerry' gate (follow the signs). Murrumbateman, NSW
Come and see how many different flowers and birds we can discover, and learn how native plants can be integrated into sustainable farming systems.
Join Murrumbateman Landcare Group [1] and Greening Australia [2] for a day in the paddock at Bundidgerry. We will be looking at both biodiversity and production values, with plenty of time for your questions and discussion. This is part of the Murrumbateman Landcare Linking Biodiversity project, supported by the Australian Government.
Lunch will be provided.
What to bring: Hats, water, appropriate footwear, binoculars and a 4WD (if you have one). Note there will be a moderate amount of walking involved.
RSVP Essential by Wednesday 29th October
Time: 10:30am - 2:30pm
Contact details Jeni DeLandre ph. 62533035 email jdelandre@act.greeningaustralia.org.au [3]
- Murrumbateman [4]
- wildflowers [5]
- birds [6]