[1]From Tony Gleeson, CEO, ALM Group
The Australian Land Management Group [1] (ALMG) has been championing a national system that will support and reward improving natural resource management. Most importantly, the system is voluntary and verifiable.
We are asking people involved in Landcare, and other innovative natural resource management initiatives, to complete a short survey. Your responses will help us formulate proposals for a national roll-out of a system that will support continuous improvement in farm productivity, the differentiation of food and fibre products and the building of capacity.
The survey has 8 questions and should only take a few minutes of your time to complete.
We welcome the contribution you can make by completing the survey at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/landmanagement [2]
Tony Gleeson
CEO, ALM Group
'Avondale', Vinegar Hill Rd
Mobile:0402099884 (no service at Legume)
Email: tony.gleeson@almg.org.au [3]
www.almg.org.au [4]
- ALM [5]