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Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 12 April 2012

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Funding opportunities

Upcoming events

Landcare group meetings




Private Land Conservation Grants

The Private Lands Conservation Grant Program aims to encourage and support private landholders with long-term voluntary conservation commitments to undertake on-ground conservation works on their property.

The Program is a partnership initiative of the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife, Paddy Pallin Foundation, Humane Society International Wildlife Land Trust and the Office of Environment & Heritage. The Minister for the Environment recently announced that the NSW Environmental Trust will provide significant funding over the next six years to extend and expand this initiative, providing a funding pool of over $300,000 in 2012.


NSW Environmental Trust Environmental Education Grants

The NSW Environmental Trust is calling for Expressions of Interest for the Environmental Education Program. This program aims to support educational projects or programs that develop or widen the community's knowledge and skills, and commitment to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable behaviour.

Grants of between $5,000 and $100,000 are available for projects that develop resources or undertake educational projects to increase the environmental awareness of individuals, specific groups, special interest groups and/or the general community. A total of $500,000 is available for community organisations and non-profit associations in 2012.

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Eco Schools and Food Gardens in Schools Grants

The NSW Environmental Trust is calling for applications to their Eco Schools and Food Gardens in Schools programs. Applications for both programs close on Friday 18th May 2012.

The Eco Schools and Food Gardens in Schools Programs aim to provide grants to schools to give them the opportunity to involve their students and community in developing and implementing environmental management projects. 60 grants of $2,500 each will be offered in 2012 under the Eco Schools program, while 20 grants of $3,500 each will be offered under the Food Gardens program.

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Junior Landcare "Go Green" Grants

Landcare Australia is proud to launch a $75,000 grants program to fund environmental projects in schools and community groups across the country.

Fifteen successful schools and groups will receive a Go Green Grant of up to $5,000 to support innovative projects that bring about education in environmental issues, focus on sustainability, promote recycling initiatives or help improve the school’s or local area’s natural environment. Applications close on Tuesday 1st May 2012

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Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grants

The Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grants offer of up to $1,000 to schools groups to help create gardens in their grounds or community, such as a bush tucker garden, water wise garden or veggie garden. All schools, kindergartens, daycare centers, and Scout youth groups are eligible to apply.

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Monaro Landscape Connectivity project

The Monaro Landscape Connectivity project aims to work with land managers to actively manage patches of native vegetation across the Monaro region in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Interested land managers can also be involved in the application of Indigenous land management practices on their property, and participate in digital PlaceStories.

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Protecting Our Places grants

The NSW Environmental Trust is calling for applications to the Protecting our Places program. The aim of this program is to protect land that is culturally significant to Aboriginal people, and to support education projects about the environment and its importance in Aboriginal life.

Grants of between $2,000 and $35,000 are available, with a total of $500,000 being offered under the program in 2012. Applications close on Friday 1st June 2012.

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NAB Schools First Award grants

Applications for the 2012 NAB Schools First Awards are now open. This year, $3 million in funding is available to 130 outstanding school-community partnerships. Applications close at 5.00 pm on Friday 29th June 2012.

There are three different categories available to apply for: Seed Funding Awards, of $15,000 to set up a partnership; Impact Awards, of $30,000 for established partnerships; and Student Awards, of $5,000 to empower students to build their own school-community partnerships.

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Willow control workshop - Bredbo

The Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority (CMA), together with its partners, are organising a workshop on willow control for the afternoon of Tuesday 3rd April. The workshop will cover areas such as why there is a need to control willows, and the range of control methods for different situations (including demonstrations of some methods).

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Clean Energy Public Forums - Queanbeyan & Wagga

The Nature Conservation Council (NCC) invites you to their Clean Energy Public Forums, being held in Queanbeyan on Tuesday 3rd April and Wagga Wagga on Wednesday 4th April 2012.

A vast majority of Australians support a move to 100% clean energy. But a lot also wonder whether we can make it happen yet. The NCC are showcasing real stories from the clean energy frontline that prove we’re 100% ready to start making the switch!

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"Feeding the future" presentation - Bungendore

The internationally renowned farmer, speaker, author, and photographer Michael Ableman will be heading to the Mulloon Institute on Sunday 15th April, to provide an inspiring view on strategies and innovative ideas for achieving real change in the food system.

Speaking on topics ranging from his experience producing food at Foxglove Farm in Brittish Columbia, to his involvement in SOLEfood, a city wide urban agriculture enterprise in Vancouver, this event is a must see for anyone involved in sustainable organic agriculture.

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Stress Free Stockmanship for Healthy Landscapes - Darlow

Do you want to better understand livestock behaviour, and de-stress animals to improve their production rates? Learn how to take the first steps to better animal handling with this Stress Free Stockmanship course, being delivered in partnership with Murrumbuidgee Landcare Inc.

The 3-day workshop will be held on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st April, with a third date to be held at a later date.

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Biodynamics for grazing, cropping and horticulture - Bungendore

The Mulloon Institute are running an introductory biodynamics course with John Priestly and Hamish Mackay, over the weekend of 21-22 April 2012. In this course, John and Hamish work together to present both the background theory as well as the on-ground practicalities of running a biodynamic farm or garden.

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Online Faecal Worm Egg Counting Workshop

RuralBiz Training will be running an online course, on Friday 27th April, on identifying and counting intestinal worm eggs in stock faecal matter. Counting worm eggs can be a valuable tool in detecting infestations early, and helping to make appropriate decisions about drenching. 

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Monaro Landscape Connectivity workshop - Captains Flat

Are you a land manager in the Bungendore-Carwoola-Hoskinstown-Captains Flat region? Do you have native vegetation on your property? Would you like support and funding to help manage this native vegetation? If the answer is YES, then this opportunity is for you!

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Animal behaviour and nutrition course with Prof Fred Provenza - Bungendore

Why do some farms have fewer weeds than others? Why does some research on grazing shows large effects and some none? How can you reduce worm burden through pasture management? This course represents a rare opportunity to get practical solutions to these questions and more from Emeritus Professor Fred Provenza, Dr Dean Revell and Bruce Maynard.

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Future Farming Forum - Wagga

This Forum provides your chance to hear from the experts on the latest research and techiques available to Riverina producers, highlighting three years of climate change adaptation research in the southern Australian livestock industries. Attendees will hear the latest results from the Southern Livestock Adaptation (SLA) project. This research looked at how producers can adapt to a changing climate and was carried out at various locations across NSW, VIC, SA and WA.

Note that this event was originally scheduled for 14th March, but was rescheduled due to the flooding in Wagga.

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FarmDay 2012

FarmDay is when a farm family hosts a city family for a day of real hands-on experiences and a greater understanding of the day-to-day life of the farming family.

FarmDay 2012 will be held on the weekend of 26-27 May. This is a wonderful chance to share your lifestyle and business with a city family who are keen to understand how you go about producing the food and fibre for which Australian farmers are renowned.

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"Managing the Future of Australian Farm Land" Conference - Sydney

Is Australia in danger of allowing much of its most productive farm land to be permanently removed from farm use? Will the expansion of cities and the diversion of farm land to carbon offset production threaten the future ability of Australia to feed its population and export food to the world? Should productive farm land be permanently protected from mining and urban encroachment in order to guarantee future food supplies?

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Ginninderra Catchment Group

All are welcome to the Ginninderra Catchment Group meetings. The next meeting will be held on Monday 2nd April 5.30pm.

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Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee

Everyone is welcome to the Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee (UMLC) meetings. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd April at 6.30pm.

Please contact Tony Robinson (Chair, UMLC) if you are interested in attending.

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Sutton Landcare Group

The next meeting of Sutton Landcare will be held on Tuesday 3rd April from 7.30 pm, at Sutton School. The meeting will include the group's AGM followed by guest speaker, Dr Bradley Opdyke. Dr Opdyke will address the group on the future rainfall prospects for our region and for south east Australia as a whole.

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Wagga Urban Landcare Group

All Landcarers and interested people are invited to a meeting of the Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare Group.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th April, from 7.30 pm, at the Wagga Council Chambers building.

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Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group

Everyone is invited to attend a meeting of the Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th April, from 7.30 pm, at the Ladysmith Memorial Hall (Tumbarumba Road, Ladysmith).

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Southern ACT Catchment Group

Everyone is invited to attend. The next general meeting will be held on the 24th April, from 4.30 to 6.30 pm.

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Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group

Everyone is invited to attend a meeting of the Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th April from 7.30 pm, at the Tarcutta RSL.

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Junee Area Landcare Network

All Landcarers are invited to a meeting of the Junee Area Landcare Network. The next meeting, including the AGM, will be held on  Thursday 7th June, at the Junee Hotel. Dinner will be from 6.30 pm, with the meeting starting around 7.30 pm.

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Position vacant - Executive Officer

Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc (MLi) seeks to employ a part-time Executive Officer, to be based at the MLi office at the Wagga Agricultural Institute, Wagga Wagga. The position is for 15 hours per week up to 30th June 2013, with scope for continuing employment, and increasing employment hours beyond this. Working hours are flexible, but the Executive Officer must be available for quarterly MLi meeting dates.

The successful applicant will be responsible for working directly with the volunteer executive, on tasks including: liaising with community groups, government agencies and other organisations to broker partnerships and projects to achieve community and environmental goals; managing project contracts, accounts and reporting; liaising with Landcare networks to ensure efficient, effective communications across the catchment; and developing and implementing activities to realise strategic goals of the organisation.

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Support resources for flood victims

There are a range of support options now available for people who have been affected by the recent floods across much of our catchment. The NSW Rural Assistance Authority have announced Natural Disaster Relief Assistance Recovery Grants of $15,000 for primary producers and small businesses in a number of Local Government Areas across our region.

Landholders living in LGA's which have experienced flooding but missed out on the grants are encouraged to submit Flood Damage Reports to the DPI, to help provide evidence to the government of the damage caused by the floods.

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Review of the Livestock Health & Pest Authorities

The NSW Government has released the review of the NSW Livestock Health and Pest Authorities (LHPA's) for public comment. The review examined the structure, effectiveness and efficiency of LHPAs, as well as the ongoing role of the organisation and its rating system. The review recommends fundamental and far reaching changes to the delivery of rural landholder services in NSW.

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Carbon Farming Initiative - New handbook released

The Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has just released the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) Handbook. The Handbook contains information about the CFI and how it operates, and aims to help you decide what type of CFI activity might be right for you.

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The Blueprint for Australian Agriculture

The Blueprint for Australian Agriculture aims to bring together all with an interest in, or involvement with, agriculture to help shape its future direction. Farmers, transporters, retailers, consultants, rural businesses, agribusinesses, educators, governments, rural communities, community groups and consumers are all invited to take part.

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Peter Cullen Trust "Science to Policy Leadership Program" - Open for applications

The Peter Cullen Water and Environment Trust is looking for a diverse group of people who are actively involved in water system management, to participate in their 2012 Science to Policy Leadership Program. This Program focuses on building leadership and communication skills specifically geared to bringing about positive change in water and catchment management in Australia. The program selects attendees who are highly motivated, knowledgeable and skilled people, who can continue the work of Peter Cullen.

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Draft National Wildlife Corridors Plan - Open for comment

The Australian Government has released the Draft National Wildlife Corridors Plan for public comment. The draft Plan lays the foundation for a new, collaborative, whole-of-landscape approach to biodiversity conservation that is based on voluntary cooperation and the existing efforts of communities, landholders, governments and industry.

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Riverina Highlands Landcare Nursery

The Riverina Highlands Landcare Nursery was opened almost 15 years ago, to provide locally grown native plants for Landcare and community projects, and for sale to the general public.

The Nursery is located on the Gocup Road, Tumut. It is usually open Mondays to Saturdays, between 8.00 am and 12.00 pm.

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Murrumbidgee CMA funding programs - Survey

The Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) have released a survey to allow everyone to provide input to inform and develop their 2012/13 Investment Program. The CMA's annual Investment Program outlines the way the CMA will conduct its business for the next 12 months, in line with the Murrumbidgee Catchment Action Plan.

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