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8.1.6.Sinking a bore

All groundwater bores in NSW require a license, even if they are deemed to be a failure as no or insufficient water is found upon drilling. The licence will specify how much water can be pumped and for what purposes this water can be used.
Licences must be applied for before drilling starts, but it is the landholder’s responsibility, not the drillers, to ensure the licence application is lodged and that all the driller’s construction details are submitted to the appropriate authority. Licenses for bores to be used for stock and domestic watering purposes are usually free, but there are fees and charges for irrigation bores, which vary depending on usage.
The bore driller must give a measured flow rate for each aquifer of a bore as part of the report sent to the licensing board. But it is advisable to get an independent contractor to test the reliability of the bore flow rate using an electro-submersible pump and generator.
During flow testing, collect at least two litres of bore water to send off for independent quality testing for all intended livestock and domestic requirements.
NSW DPI offers a water quality testing service, with water sampling kits and instructions available free of charge from NSW DPI district offices. Testing is carried out at the Wollongbar Primary Industry Institute, which can be contacted on 1800 675 623 or www.dpi.nsw.gov.au
For licenses and drilling applications, contact the NSW Office of Water on 1800 353 104 or go to www.water.nsw.gov.au

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Dr. Radut Consulting