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9.3.1. Carbon farming

A number of native vegetation management and revegetation may be eligible for financial assistance or ongoing earnings through the The Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI).
Broadly speaking, the CFI allows farmers and land managers to earn carbon credits by storing carbon or reducing greenhouse gas emissions on the land through environmental tree plantings. These credits can then be sold to people and businesses wishing to offset their emissions. The minimum landholding that must be set aside for environmental planting is 50 hectares (125 acres) and the life of the agreement is usually 100 years, which gives certainty to the amount of carbon which will be sequestered from the trees.
The CFI also helps the environment by encouraging sustainable farming and providing a source of funding for landscape restoration projects.
For more information about what projects may be eligible and the CFI in general, go to the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency . A local company involved in carbon sink plantations is CO2 Australia,

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