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Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 20 - March 2013

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Murrumbidgee landcare IncMurrumbidgee Landcare Inc (MLi) is a not-for-profit organisation representing community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our e-news is a project of MLi and the Regional Landcare Facilitator project, Murrumbidgee. Please contact us to have content included in our next, monthly e-news.


Frogs on farms

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Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum

Murrumbidgee landcare IncSAVE THE DATE - 22-23rd August, Junee.

Keynote speaker: Phillip Toyne.

In the 1980s Phillip was the Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation. He teamed up with Rick Farley from the National Farmers Federation. Together they had a vision and the National Landcare program was born.

Introductory erosion control workshop - Breadlebane

LandcareBreadalbane Plains Landcare Group Inc. supported by Upper Lachlan Landcare Inc. is holding a one day workshop with internationally acclaimed watershed restoration and erosion control expert Craig Sponholtz of Dryland Solutions.

Wednesday 20th March.

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World Water Day2013 World Water Day

International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Soil carbon workshop in Wagga Wagga

Put on by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority this one one-day soil carbon workshop will provide an update on the  latest information on carbon from a local, state, national perspective.
26 March 9.00am – 4.30pm, Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute, Pine Gully Road.

Australasian Bat MonthAustralasian Bat Society

March 2013 is once again Australasian Bat Month.

The Australasian Bat Society are encouraging community groups and families to hold Bat Night events throughout the month of March.

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Along the Molonglo 2013

20 - 30 April 2013

Molonglo Catchment Group A Journey Along the Centenary Trail – Past, Present and Future

In this special year celebrating the Centenary of Canberra the Molonglo Catchment Group (MCG) and the Artists Society of Canberra (ASOC) have joined forces with the two other catchment groups in the area, the Southern ACT Catchment Group, and the Ginninderra Catchment Group to put on a more extensive Art exhibition and a competition that incorporates the work of artists who are members of, or are affiliated with the catchment groups.

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Schools Tree Day - 26th July 2013

National Tree Day - 28th July 2013

National Threatened Species Day - 7 September 2013.


Prime Ministers Environment Award

World Environment Day AwardCaring for the environment? You deserve an award!

Every day, thousands of people across Australia are doing incredible things to protect our environment and create a truly sustainable future for our country. To recognise those unsung heroes in our community, nominations are now open for the Prime Minister’s Environmentalist of the Year and Young Environmentalist of the Year Awards. 

Nominations due by 22 April 2013.    

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Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Awards

The Awards are an opportunity for the Murrumbidgee catchment community to recognise the hard work of landcarers across the catchment and to nominate an individual or group making a difference.

Nominations close 5pm Friday, 26 April 2013 with the winners announced at a ceremony to be held on World Environment Day, Wednesday 5 June 2013.    

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Community Landcare GrantsCommunity Landcare Grants

Applications close 5pm 20th March
Grants between $5000 to $50 000 (GST exclusive) are available to help local community-based organisations and groups take on-ground action as well as build their capacity and skills to manage their natural environment and productive lands.

2013 Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant Junior Landcare

Coles are providing School Garden Grants of up to $1,000 to schools and youth groups to help create gardens in their grounds or community, such as bush tucker gardens, water wise gardens or veggie gardens.

Applications due by 10 May 2013. 

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Australian Flora Foundation Research GrantsAustralia Flora Foundation

Applications for grants to support original scientific projects on the biology and cultivation of Australian plants are invited from research workers in Australia.

Grants are available for projects which commence from December 2013. The Foundation expects to support between two and four projects at $5000 - $12,000 each in 2014 with possible extension into 2015.

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NSW Environmental Trust Education grants

NSW Envrionmental TrustGrants of $5000 to $100,000 available to community and non-profit associations.

There is a two stage application process. Expressions of Interest (EOI) close on Friday 26 April 2013.  Successful EOIs will then be invited to submit a full application in July 2013.

The aim of the Education program is to support educational projects or programs that develop or widen the community's knowledge of, skills in, and commitment to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable behaviour.    

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NSW Environmental Trust Eco Schools grants

NSW Envrionmental Trust60 grants of $2,500 each for schools are available.

This program provides grants to schools to give them the opportunity to involve their students and community in developing and implementing environmental management projects.

The ultimate goal of the Eco Schools grant program is the development of  environmentally sustainable schools.

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NSW Environmental Trust Food Gardens in Schools grants

NSW Envrionmental Trust20 grants of $3,500 each for schools.

This program provides grants to schools to give them the opportunity to involve their students and community in developing and implementing environmental management projects.

The overall objective of the Food Gardens in Schools Program is to provide learning opportunities for students, teachers and other members of the school community about healthy sustainable living through growing and harvesting food in school gardens.

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Local Land Services

A view from the Chair of Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc, Dr Ted Wolfe.Ted Wolfe, Chair, Murrumbidgee Landcare

Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group Newsletter Autumn 2013

As most Landcarers are aware, the Minister for Primary Industries (Hon. Katrina Hodgkinson) has set in train a process to amalgamate the functions previously performed by the advisory and regulatory staff of the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Catchment Management Authorities (CMA’s) and Livestock Health and Pest Authorities (LHPA’s). The amalgamation into Local Land Services (LLS) is in part being managed by a Reference Panel convened by Dr John Keniry, a Panel that has consulted widely with stakeholders on the LLS boundaries, various models of governance, and the types of services the LLS might provide.

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A range of practical resources are available for Landcare community events and projects. Hardware, books and event equipment can be borrowed through the Murrumbidgee Landcare (MLi) office or  through your Regional Landcare Facilitator. Other items are available for download.

  Promoting your event

Part of the media kit for groups developed by Landcare Australia.

This 9 page booklet includes tips about posters, flyers, media releases...

Promoting your event
  A Revegetation Guide for Eucalypt Woodlands

Part of a series of revegetation guides published by Greening Australia.

A Revegetation Guide for Eucalypt Woodlands

See the full catalogue of resources available for loan by Landcare groups.

 “In Safe Hands”
The “In Safe Hands” tool kit is an Occupational Health and Safety tool kit for conservation volunteers.  It is now available on line at the Conservation Volunteers Australia Website. It can be downloaded free of charge up to 30 June 2013.


Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group - Meeting:

26 March 2012

Everyone is invited to attend a meeting of the Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group. Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month, from 7.30 pm, at the Tarcutta RSL.

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Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee - meeting

2 April 2013. The group meets on the first Tuesday of every second month. All welcome. 

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Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare - meeting

3 April 2013. The group meets on the first Wednesday of every second month. All welcome.

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Molonglo Catchment Group

8 April 2013

The Molongolo Catchment Group usually meets the second Monday of every month, between 5.00 and 6.30 pm. Please feel free to come along and participate.

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Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group - meeting

10 April 2013.

Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, from 7.30 pm, at the Ladysmith Memorial Hall (Tumbarumba Road, Ladysmith).

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Regional Landcare Facilitator project  Murrumbidgee


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