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Riparian zone management and gully erosion remediation - Field trip report

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In June 2017, the Murrumbateman Landcare Group held a field trip to look at how to restore river banks nd remediate nearby erosion.
The field day was led by Haydn Burgess, of Greening Australia, with Ross Webster who provided his invaluable expertise in williow and blackberry management in riparian zones.
The report contains information on a number of key questions which will no doubt be of interest to many Landcarer's, including:
  • What is the best way to remove willows from the river bank?
  • Should all willows be removed?
  • Should blackberries on the river bank be sprayed?
  • Should blackberries be left in any situations where they might be used as native habitat?
  • How do we stop runoff from exacerbating existing erosion?
  • How can we speed up revegetation at the bottom of the gully?
The complete report is available to view from the link below.
For links to many other interesting resources from the Murrumbateman Landcare Group, check out their web pages at: http://www.landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/murrumbateman-landcare-group/copie...
PDF icon Field trip 4 June 2017 - Report.pdf800.52 KB

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