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Visit My Farm

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Visit My Farm is a fabulous new initiative to strengthen the connection between rural and urban people, grow farm visits, and provide a new agri-tourism income stream for farmers.

Today, many visitors to rural area have no easy way to visit a farm unless they have a personal connection to the farmer. This website gives consumers the opportunity to book unique agricultural experiences directly with farmers in areas they visit.
Visitors can experience a unique on-farm experience for an hour or two, a morning, an afternoon or a whole day!
There are a number of farms in the Riverina which are already signed up and ready for visitors - check them out here: https://www.visitmyfarm.com.au/riverina-farms/
For farmers who think they might be interested in hosting visitors, all the information you need is available here: https://www.visitmyfarm.com.au/faqs/

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Dr. Radut Consulting