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[Anonymous].  2008.  Wiradjuri Plant Use in the Murrumbidgee Catchment.
McLaughlan A.  2014.  'Winona' rises out of the ashes. The Land.  (340.05 KB)
Tennent R, Lockie S.  2013.  Vale Landcare: the rise and decline of community-based natural resource management in rural Australia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Vol. 56(No. 4):572–587. (153.63 KB)
Mitchell C.  2014.  Taking aim at NRM performance goals: On being SMART and on target. Decision Point. (#77 - March 2014) (1.26 MB)
Manning AD, Fischer J, Lindenmayer DB.  2006.  Scattered trees are keystone structures – Implications for conservation. Biological Conservation . 132:311–321. (767.79 KB)

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