3.9. Geology and Soils
The three zones listed in section 3.3 correspond to the following differences in geology:
Alps and Headwaters: Principally low-grade metamorphic rock.
Southern Slopes: Principally igneous.
Riverine Plain: Large areas of clay, silt and gravel.
The area between Wagga and Tumut is dominated by low-grade metasediments.
Soils reflect the interaction of geology and climate, and again can be broken into three zones:
Alps and Headwaters: Soils shallow and stony.
Southern Slopes: Yellow and red duplex soils predominate. Siliceous sands in some areas. On basalt areas, chocolate soils occur. Yellow solodic soils occur along drainage lines in low undulating areas.
Riverine Plain: Alluvial and yellow solonetzic soils.
References and Resources
• For more information, see CAP (1998), sections 7.1.9 and 7.1.10.
• NSW Government - Department of Natural Resources. Undated. New South Wales Natural Resource Atlas.