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Sutton Landcare Group Meeting

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14 Apr 2015 - 7:30pm

Ecology of the Eastern Long-necked Turtle in Natural and Urban Wetlands: Sutton Landcare Meeting

The next meeting of Sutton Landcare will be on Tuesday April 14 at Sutton School commencing at 7.30 pm. This is our Annual General Meeting and elections will be held for all Office Bearers for the year ahead.

At 8.00 pm our guest speaker, Mr Bruno Ferronato , will address us on the ecology of the eastern long -necked turtle in distinctive habitats, including natural and urban wetlands, and how human activities can interfere with its natural behaviour.

Bruno is currently undertaking a PhD on turtle ecology at the Institute for Applied Ecology at the University of Canberra. Amongst his research findings is that the pest-exclusion fence at Mulligan’s Flat Nature Reserve is costing turtle lives.

 Before joining the University of Canberra Bruno worked in turtle conservation projects in Brazil, Peru and the USA.

The meeting provides an opportunity for us to learn from an expert in this field on the ecology of turtles in our region and the problems they face.

All persons with an interest in this subject are welcome to attend. Further details may be obtained from Tony Redmond, Landcare Secretary ph 62303266.


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