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Stirling Park workparty

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1 Nov 2015 - 9:00am

Friends of Grasslands (FOG) is looking for volunteers to help restore the vegetation of Stirling Park among the blooming wildflowers. Work will be mainly at the eastern end of the park at the 'Howies Hut' site, midway between Alexandrina Drive and Forster Cres, and between Haines Creek in the west and the powerlines in the east. From Lotus Bay, head into the bush behind the big Cypresses. FOG will provide the usual excellent morning tea.

Parking: Look for the FOG sandwich board signs on Alexandrina Drive near its intersection with Mariner Drive. Cars and bikes can park behind Lotus Bay in this area.

Jobs: a) Cutting and daubing woody weeds (which will be easier as the NCA has had contractors take out the spikiest weed infestation); b) chainsaw work; and c) flattening dead blackberry clumps to make it easier to spot and spray and regrowth.

Wear: Closed footwear and gardening clothes, and bring eye and sun protection and drinking water.

Call Jamie Pittock if you have any questions: m 0407 265 131.

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