Swift Parrot and Regent Honeyeater survey weekend
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5 Aug 2017 (All day)
The August 2017 Swift Parrot and Regent Honeyeater survey weekend is coming up on August 5th & 6th.
We are looking for volunteers to search for both species across the Riverina region, as Swift Parrots make their way up to the mainland from Tasmania and Regent Honeyeaters move about the landscape in search of flowering eucalypt trees to feed on. As always, we are happy for people to get out a week either side of the survey weekend, and incidental sightings are also welcomed.
It is an exciting year with the largest record of swift parrots ever recorded within the Riverina near Temora with up to 10% of population foraging within box ironbark woodlands. But now many of the birds have dispersed across the landscape and we don't know exactly where they have gone so we need your help to find them!
What are the surveys for?
The aim of these long-term surveys is to determine the distribution, habitat use and population trends of the Critically Endangered Swift Parrot and Regent Honeyeater. This information is used to help better manage the habitat for both species and identify important foraging areas.
The attached newsletter shows the findings from the May 2017 survey weekend.
How do I complete a survey?
We generally ask volunteers to survey an area for approx 20 minutes (walking slowly along a walking track or through a park and observing birds).
The information you need to record is all clearly listed on the survey form, which is available to download below.
The Word version of the survey form can be filled out electronically and emailed directly to Birdlife (see form for details), or alternatively the survey forms can be printed out and faxed (03 9347 9323) or scanned and emailed to Debbie Saunders at: debbie.saunders@anu.edu.au
We also encourage volunteers to submit data on other woodland bird species recorded to the BirdLife Australia Atlas (i.e. this can be done whilst looking for Regent Honeyeaters and Swift Parrots).
Where can I do a survey?
Any spot is fine for carrying out the survey (e.g. National Parks, conservation reserves, private property), but both species do prefer areas which contain flowering eucalypts for foraging or areas of heavy lerp and insect loads.
There is a list of some suggested sites that we would like surveyed in the Riverina region available here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zGt3ecIH8sa0_F79KTaGm0zz1SKHH_hB...
Alternatively, you may like to survey another location - such as your own property!
Wherever you choose, please let Debbie know where you plan to survey so that we can track survey effort.
Further information
Debbie Saunders
Mob: 0487 902 204
Email: debbie.saunders@anu.edu.au
Attachment | Size |
Newsletter - 2017 May Volunteer survey update.pdf | 1.18 MB |
Survey sheet - Swift Parrot-Regent Honeyeater.doc | 93 KB |
Survey sheet - Swift Parrot-Regent Honeyeater.pdf | 201.43 KB |