13th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum

Proudly hosted by the Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group
WHEN 15th September, 2009
WHERE Tarcutta RSL
TIME Day 9:00am to 5:00pm Dinner and Guest Speaker 6:00pm
COST Day Only $30 or Day and Dinner - $40
Keynote speaker - Dr Maarten Stapper

Dr Stapper appeared recently on ABC's Australian Story:
Dr Maarten Stapper is a man with some fascinating ideas on how to manage our land better. He is unconventional, stubborn and difficult. Not even a near fatal car accident could slow him down in his mission to feed the world using less chemicals. As an advocate for biological farming, Dr Stapper has paid a high price for promoting a greener, cleaner way to grow food. Originally a CSIRO scientist, he left when it became clear his views on biological farming were incompatible with his employer. Today, he travels the country to educate farmers on how to use less chemicals in their soil and on their crops.
» Program
For further information contact: Bob Schofield 69289561 or Marilyn Starr enerjoy@bigpond.com