16th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum program

Hosted by Junee Area Landcare Network
22-23 August 2013
Junee RSL Club & field trips
Cross property planning to balance conservation and production
Draft Program
Thursday 22 August
8.30 am Registration, tea & coffee
9.00 am Welcome
Maria Turner, Junee Area Landcare Network & Professor Ted Wolfe, Chair, Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc (MLi)
Session 1: 9.15-10.30 (Chair )
Linking landscapes
Linking landscapes by linking people – Toni McLeish, Conservation Management Network & Murrumbidgee Landcare
The cross-property planning project – Jacinta Christie and Nicole Maher MLi
Taking stock of farm flora and fauna - Alison Elvin, Natural Capital
10.30-11.00 am Morning tea (30)
Session 2: 11.00-12.25 pm
Working together, working cross property
Encouraging biodiversity in the farm landscape - Phil Bowden, NSW DPI
On-farm biodiversity and revegetation through collaboration Q+ A - Bill Muller, John Hopkins, Phil Bowden
Why paddock trees matter – Mason Crane , ANU
12.25-1.25 pm Lunch Dining room
Session 3: 1.25-2.20 pm
Balancing conservation & production
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Dr Paul Gibson-Roy, Greening Australia
Restoring native wildflower and grass diversity on farms
Session 4: 2.20-3.20 pm
Resolving regional issues- looking beyond fencelines
Managing salinity at a landscape scale - Rob Muller, Office of Environment and Heritage
Managing pest animals across property boundaries - David Croft, Ten-Eighty Consulting
3.20-3.40 pm Afternoon tea
Session 5: 3.40- 4.40 pm
Community environmental action
Working with CMA / LLS and CAP update – John Francis, A/CEO, Murrumbidgee CMA
Community environmental action across the catchment- Alan Cole, MLi
Development with Landcare NSW - Tim Beshara, Landcare NSW
4.40 pm close
6.00 for 6.30 pm Evening Session and Dinner, hosted by Junee Area Landcare Network
Guest speaker David Croft
The life and times of a pest animal person
Friday 23rd August
Depart 9.00am
Return 2.00
Landcare members & community volunteers - $40 per day/$60 for two days
Non-members - $60 per day/$100 for two days
Dinner - $35 per head. Bar provided - purchase your own drinks.
Payment can be made by direct deposit or cheque.