Landcare input to review of MCMA community consultation/communication

As part of its review processes, the Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority (MCMA) has contracted Roberts Evaluation to review community communication and consultation processes with the Authority.
This is an important opportunity for landcare members to have input into this process.
On the afternoon of Wednesday 2nd May, Kate Roberts will be conducting a focus workshop specifically for landcare. We encourage you all to participate. This is an opportunity for free and frank discussion, as well as an opportunity to have some say into 'where we go from here.' This workshop will have a professional facilitator and will not be attended by MCMA personnel.
Date and time: Wednesday 2nd May, from 1.30pm
Venue: The Riverine Club, Sturt St (cnr Tarcutta St), Wagga Wagga
Please get in touch with us if you are able to particpate in these important discussions:
See also:
Roberts Evaluation Pty Ltd.