Restoration & Rehabilitation (community) application due - Environmental Trust

The Environmental Trust is an independent statutory body established by the NSW government to support exceptional environmental projects that do not receive funds from the usual government sources. The Trust will offer nine competitive grant programs in 2007.
Restoration and Rehabilitation (Community) - Application due 4 May
Aim of the program
The aim of the Restoration and Rehabilitation (R&R) program is to facilitate projects of significant environmental benefit to NSW, run by community organisations and State and local government organisations. Through these projects, we also aim to improve the capacity of communities and organisations to protect, restore and enhance the environment.
The Objectives of the Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Program are:
- to restore degraded environmental resources, including rare and endangered ecosystems
- to protect important ecosystems and habitats of rare and endangered flora and fauna
- to prevent or minimise future environmental damage
- to enhance the quality of specific environmental resources.
Guidelines & applications forms
Guidelines & application forms can be downloaded from:
Environmental Trust
PO Box 644, PARRAMATTA 2124
Phone: (02) 8837 6093