Protecting Our Places Grants - Environmental Trust applications due

The Environmental Trust is an independent statutory body established by the NSW government to support exceptional environmental projects that do not receive funds from the usual government sources. The Trust will offer nine competitive grant programs in 2007.
Protecting Our Places - Application due 25 May
Aim of the Program
The aim of the program is to protect land that is culturally significant to Aboriginal people and to support education projects about the environment and its importance in Aboriginal life.
The Objectives of the Protecting Our Places Program are:
- to restore or rehabilitate Aboriginal land or land that is culturally significant to Aboriginal people and;
- to educate Aboriginal and other communities about the local environment and the value Aboriginal communities place on their natural environment.
Funding for 2007
A total of $500,000 will be offered under the Protecting Our Places program in 2007. Grants of between $2000 and $35,000 are available.
For more information, contact the Trust's Aboriginal Liaison Officer on (02) 8837 6399.
Aboriginal Liaison Officer
Environmental Trust