Australian Year of the Farmer

2012 has been declared the Australian Year of the Farmer, celebrating the hard work of everyone involved in producing, processing, handling and selling products from farms across the country. The celebration was conceived by Australian Year of the Farmer Directors, Geoff Bell and Philip Bruem. Geoff and Philip wanted more people to appreciate the fresh food and quality materials our farmers produce to keep us fed, clothed and sheltered. And so, the concept has grown into a national celebration, one which will reach every Australian - reminding us that our farmers sustain the Australian way of life and the economy.
Check out the Australian Year of the Farmer website, or sign up to receive newsletters about all the new things that are happening!
To celebrate the Australian Year of the Farmer, a range of roadshows and other events are taking place throughout the year, culminating in the Innovation and Technology Expo which will be held in Melbourne in the first week of December.
Another initiative of the Australian Year of the Farmer is the One Country Card. The card provides a range of discounts and special offers, with all funds raised through the purchase of the Card used to help tell the amazing story of Australian farmers. Funds remaining at the end of 2012 will be placed into a trust to help continue to fund ongoing programs that promote farming in Australia. You can learn more about the One Country Card, or sign up to receive one, here.
There is also a farming photo competion running throughout the year, with monthly awards for photos in categories such as "Farm animals", "Farming landscapes", and "Fun and funky in the country". More information on the competion is available here.