Carbon Farming Initiative - Update

There have been quite a few new developments under the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) recently. Included on this page is a summary of updates likely to be of most interest:
- New CFI Handbook released
- CFI methodologies now open for comment
- General update on methodologies
- Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee (DOIC) appointed
- CFI now administered by the Clean Energy Regulator
New CFI Handbook released
A new CFI Handbook is now available, providing information on the CFI, how it operates, and how to decide what type of CFI activity might be right for you. The CFI Handbook can be downloaded as a pdf here, or viewed online here.
CFI methodologies now open for comment
The Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee (DOIC) has just released two new draft methodologies for public comment. The methodologies relate to:
- Reforestation and afforestation: This proposal the reforestation of cleared land, and afforestation on land where no forests previously existed, in order to sequester carbon
- Native forest protection projects: This proposal involves the protection of native forests through the prevention of clearing and clear felling harvesting activities
The proposals are open for public comment until Sunday 13th May 2012. Following this, the DOIC will conduct its final assessment and make recommendations to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency regarding approval of the proposals.
All proposals are available to view on the Department of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency website. The website also contains a template and instructions for submitting comments on methodologies to the DOIC.
General update on methodologies
The Department of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry are working with industry to develop offset methodologies that can have broad application within an industry or industry sub sector. Technical working groups have been established for livestock, soils, fertiliser, forestry and the rangelands. These groups include scientific experts and representatives from industry groups, research bodies and relevant state government agencies. The technical working groups are reviewing available scientific data, determining requirements for additional research and identifying priorities for methodology development.
To date, the DOIC has endorsed methodologies for:
- Capture and combustion of landfill gas,
- Destruction of methane generated from manure in piggeries,
- Environmental plantings, and
- Savanna burning.
These methodologies now need to be made into a determination - which is a legislative instrument under the CFI Act. Project applications can now be lodged for projects under these methodologies, but can only be declared eligible by the Regulator once the methodology has been made into a determination.
As outlined above, proposed methodologies for Reforestation and afforestation and Native forest protection projects are currently open for public comment. A further 19 methodology proposals have been lodged and are currently being screened or amended by the proponent prior to being released for public consultation.
For more information on methodology determinations and proposed methodologies, check out the methodology section of the CFI website.
Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee (DOIC) appointed
The Australian Government has announced the appointment of a new expert panel to assess the proposed methodologies under the CFI. The members of the Committee are:
- Professor Tim Reeves (Chair)
- Dr Tony Press
- Professor Lynette Abbott
- Ms Rebecca Burdon
- Dr Brian Keating, and
- Ms Shayleen Thompson.
CFI now administered by the Clean Energy Regulator
The Clean Energy Regulator began operations on 2nd April 2012 as a new independent statutory authority. In this role, it administers the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2012.
The Clean Energy Regulator is responsible for recognising offsets entities, approving CFI projects, issuing CFI credits and managing the holding, transfer, retirement, relinquishment and cancellation of units through the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units.
The Clean Energy Regulator is also responsible for educating stakeholders and participants about the CFI rules and their obligations, and for undertaking compliance action.
To find out more about the Clean Energy Regulator, how to participate in the CFI or to download forms, go to the Clean Energy Regulator website.