water2WATER information session - ACT

As we all know, water is a hot topic at the moment. Inflows to our dams have declined by 63% in the last six years and by almost 90% in 2006. This has led ACTEW to initiate the water2WATER project.
Their proposal aims to supplement the ACT's water supply by purifying Canberra's used water and adding this to the Cotter reservoir. Construction to enlarge the dam in this reservoir is also being considered.
The ACT Government and ACTEW are working to inform, educate and encourage Canberrans to discuss the water2WATER project and have offered information sessions for community groups.
I have organised for ACTEW to come and talk to the Molonglo Catchment Group, Ginninderra Catchment Group, Southern ACT Catchment Group, ACT Waterwatch and other interested community members, about their water recycling proposal - water2WATER. You are invited to attend this information session. Please RSVP so we have an idea of the numbers.
water2WATER information session details:
Date: Tuesday 1st May
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm (at the latest - the talk goes for approx half an hour + question time)
Location: the Canberra Environment and Sustainability Resource Centre, at the junction between Lawson Crescent and Lennox Crossing on Acton Peninsula, adjacent to the International Sculpture Park and near the National Museum.
Speaker: Chris Webb from ACTEW.
You make like to look over their website and think about what questions you would like answered on the night.
I hope to see you there.
Zoe Wood
Molonglo Catchment Coordinator
Location: Suite 101, First Floor Riverside Plaza
131-139 Monaro St, QUEANBEYAN, NSW
Postal Address: PO BOX 1573, FYSHWICK ACT 2609
Ph: (02) 6128 3376
Fax: (02) 6299 6619
Mbl: 0408 475 970
Email: coordinator@molonglocatchment.com.au
Web: www.molonglocatchment.com.au