ACT Environment Grants

On April 11 2007 Minister for Environment and Sustainability, Mr John Hargreaves, announced that applications for the 2007-08 ACT Environment Grants are now open.
The ACT Environment Grants provides financial assistance for community-based environment projects that complement delivery of the Government's environmental priorities. Funding priorities focus on community engagement and developing partnerships with Government, particularly in relation to the Canberra Plan strategic theme: Living with the Environment - our Bush Capital.
The ACT Government is committed to supporting worthwhile community environmental projects that contribute to the goals for a sustainable city that is in harmony with the environment.
Applications are open to 'not-for-profit' environmental projects in the ACT by individuals, community organisations and groups.
The closing date for applications is Friday 18 May 2007. It is anticipated that successful projects will be announced in early July 2007.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Grants Administrator on (02) 6207 7140 or at the link