Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 14 June 2012

- NAB Schools First Award grants
- Young farmer & student bursaries - Australian Agronomy conference
- Nuffield Australia Farming Scholarships - Now open for applications
- Coles Junior Landcare School Garden grants
- Junior Landcare "Perfect Patch of Green" grants
- The Myer Foundation - Education small grants program
- Farm Business Boot Camp Green - Wagga
- Launch of the Queanbeyan Platypus Awareness & Conservation Strategy - Queanbeyan
- Sustainable Farming Systems forum - Wodonga
- Biochar in agriculture workshop - Wollongbar
- Carbon farming workshops - Roadshow
- Biodiversity in the house paddock bus tour - Griffith
- Has the family farm a future? - Wagga
- Griffith Women's Group Farmhouse workshop - Griffith
- Murrumbidgee Field Naturalist's Art and Photography exhibition
- Sustainable Horse Management Field Day - Yass
- Soil biology workshops - Yass and Wagga
- Annual Graham Centre Sheep field day - Wagga
- 'Don't be a drifter' herbicide use workshop - Kambah (ACT)
- NSW 'Partners in Grain' tech expo - Wagga
- 2012 CANFA conference - Griffith
- Grassland Society of NSW annual conference - Wagga
- National Tree Day 2012
- “Re-valuing rangelands”, 15th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum - Hay
- Annual Graham Centre Beef field day - Wagga
- 16th Australian Agronomy conference - Armidale
- Ginninderra Catchment Group meeting
- Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee meeting
- Wagga Urban Landcare Group meeting
- Junee Area Landcare Network meeting and AGM
- Sutton Landcare - Fire ecology and management presentation
- Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group meeting
- Molongolo Catchment Group meeting
- Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group meeting
- Southern ACT Catchment Group general meeting
- National Landcare conference - Call for abstracts
- Conservation Farmer of the Year Award nominations open
- DPI Hay and Silage competition
- Atlas of Living Australia
- Australian Year of the Farmer
NAB Schools First Award grants
Applications for the 2012 NAB Schools First Awards are now open. This year, $3 million in funding is available to 130 outstanding school-community partnerships. Applications close at 5.00 pm on Friday 29th June 2012.
Young farmer & student bursaries - Australian Agronomy Conference
The Australian Society of Agronomy is inviting young farmers (35 years and under) to apply for a grant to cover registration plus up to $800 for travel and accommodation expenses to attend the 2012 Australian Agronomy Conference.
The Society is also offering bursaries to support students undertaking tertiary studies in agriculture or a related field, with these awards covering conference registration plus up to $500 for travel and accommodation expenses to attend the conference. Preference for these bursaries will be given to students who present a paper at the conference.
Applications for both bursaries close on Saturday 30th June 2012.
Nuffield Australia Farming Scholarships - Now open for applications
Applications are now open for the 2013 Nuffield Australia Farming Scholarships. These prestigious scholarships are awarded each year to Australian farmers, with the objective of increasing practical farming knowledge and management skills and techniques generally. The scholarships give Australian citizens the opportunity to study farming practices in New Zealand, Europe, Asia and the Americas and those countries best suited to each scholar. They also promote a closer understanding between farmers in the countries visited. Upon returning to Australia it is expected that scholars will be able to actively spread the knowledge and understanding they have gained among their fellow farmers and others.
Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grants
The Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grants offer of up to $1,000 to schools groups to help create gardens in their grounds or community, such as a bush tucker garden, water wise garden or veggie garden. All schools, kindergartens, daycare centers, and Scout youth groups are eligible to apply. Applications for the current round close on Friday 27th July 2012.
Junior Landcare "Perfect Patch of Green" grants
Turf Australia and Junior Landcare are offering 15 green makeovers to schools and youth groups across Australia, which will see up to 100,000 square metres of natural turf professionally laid in school grounds and recreation areas. Grant recipients will be visited by a professional turf grower who will lay real turf in their recreational areas to provide natural grass coverage for kids to enjoy.
All schools, including preschools and kindergartens, as well as youth groups including Scouts, Girl Guides and other community organisations that involve and support young people, are all eligible to apply. Applications close on Tuesday 31st July 2012.
The Myer Foundation - Education Small Grants program
The Myer Foundation is currently accepting applications for its Education Small Grants Program. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, with no fixed closing date. The Program is currently targeting three key areas, one of which is young people in rural and regional communities.
Upcoming events
Farm Business Boot Camp Green - Wagga
Tocal College (NSW DPI) and Vanguard Business Services are running a ground-breaking new program that is designed to help farmers take your business to the next ecological level. Farm Business Boot Camp Green has been built on a foundation of best practice in practical land management - mixing business, production and ecological topics. The program will incorporate principles of Allan Savory's holistic management, in a dynamic network setting. The speakers will include a range of farmers sharing their experiences, and participants will receive easy-to-read manuals as well as a range of computer spreadsheets and materials to help you put your learning into practice.
The program is being offered for FREE for up to 20 participants, through funding from the NSW Department of Education & Training Strategic Skills Program. The course will start on Tuesday 5th June 2012, in Wagga Wagga.
Launch of the Queanbeyan Platypus Awareness & Conservation Strategy - Queanbeyan
Did you know that there are platypus in the Queanbeyan River? Would you like to know more about them? The Australian Platypus Conservancy are presenting an illustrated talk about the amazing platypus and how you can help monitor them in the Queanbeyan River. Admission is free and all are welcome!
The talk will be held on World Environment Day - Tuesday 5th June, from 6.00 - 7.30 pm, in the Queanbeyan Council Chambers. A light supper will be provided by Queanbeyan Landcare.
Sustainable Farming Systems forum - Wodonga
What will your farm look like in 2020? The Murray CMA and North East CMA (VIC) are hosting a forum to explore ways of adapting technology to meet rapidly changing expectations of farmers to be productive, profitable, supply environmental services and manage carbon. A series of interesting presenters will lead the discussion on growing your farming operation, planning to include social and environmental factors as well as economic factors, and keeping family farms and local communities viable.
The forum will be held at La Trobe University Wodonga, on Wednesday 6th June 2012, from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm.
Biochar in agriculture workshop - Wollongbar
NSW DPI are holding a biochar workshop at the Wollongbar Primary Industries Institute, on Wednesday 6th June 2012. The workshop will review DPI biochar research undertaken through the DAFF Climate Change Research Program, and also feature other agricultural biochar activities.
Carbon farming workshops - Roadshow
Murrumbidgee Landcare, together with NSW Farmers, are presenting a series of free workshops on carbon farming for land managers. Come along to learn what carbon farming is all about, and what opportunities are available for land managers! The workshops will feature information sessions from experts in the field, along with a discussion session for all your questions to be answered.
The roadshow will visit the following locations:
- Gundagai - Thursday 14th June, 1.00 - 4.00 pm
- Yass - Thursday 14th June, 6.30 - 8.30 pm
- Queanbeyan - Friday 15th June, 9.00 am - 12.30 pm
- Griffith - Monday 25th June, 11.00 am - 3.00 pm
Biodiversity in the house paddock bus tour - Griffith
Would you like to improve the biodiversity value of your garden or farm? Want to make the yard around your sheds both beautiful and functional? Like to learn more about the benefits of local native plants? Or maybe just chat with your neighbours and pick the brains of a native vegetation specialist?
Then come along and join Griffith's Biodiversity in the House Paddock bus tour! The tour will be held on Tuesday 19th June, from 9.30 am to 3.00 pm.
Has the family farm a future? - Wagga
Bill Thompson (Succession planning specialist, and Director of Commins Hendriks Solicitors) and Dr Troy Whitford (Lecturer at Charles Sturt University) invite you to a free public forum to discuss the topic of the family farm. The forum will be chaired by ABC’s Anne Delaney, and features a knowledgeable panel ready to answer your questions.
The forum will be on Wednesday 20th June, from 6.30 to 8.30 pm, at the Wagga RSL Club (Dobbs Avenue, Wagga).
Griffith Women's Group Farmhouse workshop - Griffith
The Griffith Women’s Group are running a farmhouse workshop, covering a range of topics around farm household finances, budgets for all family members, family expenditure, and farm business budgeting and performance. Get the whole family financially ready for whatever the future may deliver!
The workshop will be held on Wednesday 20th June, from 9.30 am to 3.00 pm, at the Griffith Centre for Irrigated Agriculture (NSW DPI - Farm 217, Murray Road Hanwood).
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Art and Photography Exhibition
It’s on again! The Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Art and Photographic Exhibition will be held on Saturday 23rd June, from 6.30 pm at the Yanco Agricultural Institute conference room. Come along to view the exhibits, eat and socialise with fellow Naturalists. If you would like to submit your own art or photography for the exhibition, please submit it to the organisers by Monday 18th June 2012.
Sustainable Horse Management Field Day - Yass
Murrumbidgee Landcare are holding one of the extremely popular field days on "Sustainable Horse Management on Small Properties" in Yass, on Sunday 24th June 2012. The field day will presented by Stuart and Jane Myers (expert on horse management, and author of "Managing horses on small properties") and Alison Elvin (expert on pastures and weed management).
Please note: This workshop is now nearly full; please check if places are still available before registering, by contacting Nicole Maher (, or 0487 953 776).
Soil biology workshops – Yass and Wagga
The NSW Department of Primary Industries together with the Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority are running one-day workshops on soil biology. The workshops are designed to provide participants with an introduction to the contribution of soil organisms to soil health, land management strategies to maintain and increase soil biological health and some methods to monitor changes in the activities of soil organisms.
The workshops run from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, and will be held at Yass on Tuesday 26th June, and Wagga on Wednesday 27th June.
Annual Graham Centre Sheep Field Day - Wagga
The EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation will be holding their Annual Sheep Field Day on Friday 13th July 2012. The event will be at the Convention Centre, Charles Sturt University, Wagga. The program will include several short presentations followed by workshops in the afternoon.
'Don't be a drifter' herbicide use workshop - Kambah (ACT)
Are you interested in learning more about herbicide application? Are you a landholder (or working with herbicides as a Park Carer or Landcarer) in the Googong or Upper Murrumbidgee catchments south of the ACT, or in the ACT? If you answered yes, then this workshop is for you! Come along to upgrade your chemical application skills, ensure yor machinery is working correctly, enable up to date records, and gain chemical user accreditation or reaccreditation.
This herbicide use training course is being organised by the Southern ACT Catchment Group (SACTCG), and will take place on the weekend of 14th abnd 15th July 2012, at Westwood Farm near Kambah. All course costs will be covered through funding to SACTCG from ActewAGL and the ACT NRM Council. Bookings are essential, and places are limited!
NSW 'Partners in Grain' Tech Expo - Wagga
NSW Partners in Grain (PinG) are holding a full-day Tech Expo on Friday 20th July 2012. The expo will showcase innovative technological tools, software, and user tips to enhance your farm business, covering all aspect of new business technology systems, apps, software and hardware.
2012 CANFA Conference - Griffith
Preparations are well underway for the 2012 Conservation Agriculture and No-till Farming Association (CANFA) conference. The conference is proposed to be held at the Yoogali Club, Griffith, on Monday 23rd July 2012. The format this year will be different to previous years, with a number of international and local speakers, and more interaction with breakout sessions and machinery displays.
A bus trip is also being organised to travel from the conference to Ballarat, to attend the joint Victorian No-till Farmers Association / Conservation Agriculture Alliance of Australia and New Zealand National Conference on Wednesday 25th July. The bus tour will visit a number of farms and manufacturers along the way, with an emphasis on disc planting technology as well as no-till farming systems employed in different environments.
Grassland Society of NSW Annual Conference - Wagga
The 27th Annual Conference of the Grassland Society of NSW will be based on the theme "Managing a grazing business for profit in the agricultural landscape". The conference will be held at Joyes Hall (Charles Sturt University) Wagga, on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th July 2012.
The conference features a huge range of speakers, trade displays and field trips, and offers an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest research and developments in the field.
National Tree Day 2012
Planet Ark is calling on Landcare groups, schools and community members to get involved in National Tree Day 2012. Help inspire your local community to learn about their natural environment, and do something positive to help protect it for future generations!
This year, National Tree Day is on Sunday 29th July 2012, with Schools Tree Day scheduled for Friday 27th July 2012.
‘Re-valuing rangelands’, 15th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum – Hay
Murrumbidgee Landcare are holding our 15th Annual Forum in Hay, with the theme “Re-valuing Rangelends”. The forum will feature field trips to key rangeland sites, and a range of fascinating speakers, including:
- Mark Alchin (Outback Ecology) – Carbon farming in rangelands
- Matt Herring (Murray Wildlife) – The impact on Wah Wah wildlife of moving from tanks to troughs
- John Leys and Stephen Heldenreich (NSW Office of Environment & Heritage) - Dustwatch
- Dr Teresa Eyre (Environment & Resource Management QLD) – Biodiversity monitoring frameworks
The forum will be held on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th August 2012, at the Hay Workers Club.
Annual Graham Centre Beef Field Day - Wagga
The EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation will be holding their Annual Beef Field Day on Friday 10th August 2012. The event will be at the Convention Centre, Charles Sturt University, Wagga. The program will include several short presentations followed by workshops in the afternoon.
16th Australian Agronomy Conference - Armidale
The 16th Australian Agronomy Conference will be hosted by the University of New England in Armidale, and will run from Sunday 14th to Thursday 18th October 2012. The conference will be based around the theme ‘Capturing opportunities and overcoming obstacles in Australian agronomy”.
Keynote speakers will include Dr Bob Clements (CSIRO and ACIAR), Jock Laurie (President, National Farmers Federation) and Dr Michael Walsh (Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, UWA).
Landcare group meetings
Ginninderra Catchment Group meeting
All are welcome to attend a meeting of the Ginninderra Catchment Group. The next meeting will be held on Monday 4th June at 5.30 pm, at the Kippax Health Centre in Kippax, behind the shopping centre.
Please contact the Ginninderra Catchment Group if you are interested in attending, or for more information about the Group:
Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee meeting
Everyone is welcome to attend the next Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee (UMLC) meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th June, from 6.30 pm.
Please contact Tony Robinson (Chair, UMLC) if you are interested in attending, or for more information about the UMLC:
Wagga Urban Landcare Group meeting
All Landcarers and interested people are invited to attend the next meeting of the Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare Group. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th June from 7.30 pm, at the Wagga Council Building (corner of Fitzmaurice and Morrow Streets, Wagga).
Junee Area Landcare Network meeting and AGM
All Landcarers are invited to the next meeting of the Junee Area Landcare Network, including the AGM. The meeting will be held on Thursday 7th June, at the Junee Hotel. Dinner will be from 6.30 pm, with the meeting starting around 7.30 pm. If you are interested in attending, or would like to find out more about the Junee Area Landcare Network, please contact Skye Bellamy (Chair):
Sutton Landcare - Fire ecology and management presentation
The next meeting of Sutton Landcare will be held on Tuesday 12th June from 7.30 pm at Sutton school. At 8.00 pm, Dr Malcolm Gill will address the group on fire ecology. His talk will cover the role of fires in the landscape, how rural development has impacted on fire behavior, the environmental benefits of fires and how plantings might be designed to reduce the impact of fires. All interested persons are welcome to attend!
Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group meeting
Everyone is invited to attend the next meeting of the Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday 13th June, from 7.30 pm, at the Ladysmith Memorial Hall (Tumbarumba Road, Ladysmith).
If you'd like more information, please contact Peter Lawson (Chair of the Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group):
Molongolo Catchment Group meeting
The Molongolo Catchment Group are meeting on Monday 18th June, between 5.00 and 6.30 pm. Please feel free to come along and participate.
Meetings are held at the Molongolo Catchment Group office, Unit 13, Cassidy Arcade, 72-76 Monaro Street Queanbeyan. If you’d like more information about the Group, or are interested in coming along to the meeting, please contact Anna See (MCG Coordinator):
Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group meeting
Everyone is invited to attend the next meeting of the Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group. The meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th June from 7.30 pm, at the Tarcutta RSL.
If you’d like more information, or are interested in attending, please contact Marilyn Starr (Secretary, Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group):
Southern ACT Catchment Group general meeting
Everyone is invited to attend the next General Meeting of the Southern ACT Catchment Group (SACTCG). General meetings are open to everyone, and the next one will be held on Tuesday 26th June, from 4.30 to 6.30 pm.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Steve Welch (SACTCG Coordinator):
National Landcare Conference - Call for abstracts
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) are currently inviting submissions of abstracts for presentations or poster displays for the National Landcare Conference. The conference is being held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, on the 3rd to 5th September 2012. The call for abstracts closes on Tuesday 12th June 2012.
The conference will take place in Landcare Week and will be an exciting opportunity to bring together people that are interested in creating sustainable landscapes for the 21st century. Presentations are invited from Landcare and community groups, land managers, industry, regional bodies and government representatives across Australia. Abstracts can cover the themes of innovation, new and different practices, applying science, what practices work well and what doesn’t, and lessons learnt.
Conservation Farmer of the Year Award nominations open
Nominations for the 2012 Conservation Farmer of the Year will be open until Friday 15th June 2012. This Award recognises environmentally sustainable and profitable farming, and the willingness of farmers to contribute to the well-being of the local and greater farming community.
Farmers in the Central West, Lachlan, Murrumbidgee and Murray catchments are eligible to enter. Regional finalists will be selected from each catchment, with the overall title of Conservation Farmer of the Year announced at the CANFA Annual Conference Dinner in Griffith on 23rd July. The winner will receive $5,000 towards personal development in conservation agriculture.
DPI Hay and Silage competition
NSW Department of Primary Industries are currently seeking entries for this year's Hay and Silage Feed Quality Competition. The aim of this competition is to promote the benefits of high quality hay and silage to all farmers, with an emphasis on the importance of feed quality in animal production and how to achieve feed quality in conserved forages.
Entries close on Friday 6th July 2012. Awards will be presented at the NSW Grasslands Society Annual Conference Dinner in Wagga on Wednesday 25th July, with $5,000 worth of prizes.
Atlas of Living Australia
Australians are now able to help researchers protect the amazing array of plants and animals in their local area, thanks to a new online information portal. The Atlas of Living Australia has been developed to build a better picture of the Australian biosphere. It already holds over 23 million records on the distribution of Australia’s fauna and flora, in addition to maps, images and literature. Members of the public can help to build the database by contributing local photographs and information.
The website focuses on Australia’s amazing plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms. It provides access to an array of information, including species pages, name lists, ID keys, photos, mapping tools and more. But more information about all Australian species is needed to help researchers and others protect and manage Australia’s biodiversity - you can help by contributing photos and information to the site. Full instructions are available on how to contribute, or get involved in the project in other ways.
Australian Year of the Farmer
2012 has been declared the Australian Year of the Farmer, celebrating the hard work of everyone involved in producing, processing, handling and selling products from farms across the country. The celebration was conceived by Australian Year of the Farmer Directors, Geoff Bell and Philip Bruem. Geoff and Philip wanted more people to appreciate the fresh food and quality materials our farmers produce to keep us fed, clothed and sheltered. And so, the concept has grown into a national celebration, one which will reach every Australian - reminding us that our farmers sustain the Australian way of life and the economy.
Check out the Australian Year of the Farmer website, or sign up to receive newsletters about all the new things that are happening!