'A changing landscape, future water supplies and pine plantations:' an information night by Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group

An information night for landholders and the general community in the Tarcutta, Yaven, Umbango, Bago, Carabost, Humula and Taradale valleys, as well as Keajura and Borambola areas, will be held at the Tarcutta RSL Club on Wednesday, May 23rd at 7.30 pm. The night is being held to discuss the changing landscape and future water supplies as a result of possible increasing pine plantations in teh area, financed by Managed Investment Schemes. Keynote speaker will be Robert Belcher, chairman of Sustainable Agricultural Communities Australia. The night is hosted by the Tarcutta Vallley Landcare Group.
For details phone 6928 9561 or 6928 9563
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