Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 15 July 2012

Funding Opportunities
- Bob Hawke Landcare Award - nominations open!
- Coles Junior Landcare School Garden grants
- Junior Landcare "Perfect patch of green" grants
- The Myer Foundation - Education small grants program
Upcoming Events
- Better Sunflowers
- Photography for field work 1-day workshop
- Weed Risk Assessment workshop
- Physical Property Planning course - limited places available!
- Investing in Experience (Skills & Recognition Training)
- Caring for our critical aquatic inland habitats
- Grasslands Conference Registrations Due
- Annual Graham Centre sheep field day - Wagga Wagga
- 'Don't be a drifter' herbicide use workshop - Kambah (ACT)
- NSW 'Partners in Grain' tech expo - Wagga Wagga
- 2012 CANFA conference - Griffith
- Grassland Society of NSW annual conference - Wagga Wagga
- National Tree Day
- Annual Graham Centre beef field day - Wagga Wagga
- 16th Australian Agronomy Conference
- National Landcare Conference
Landcare Group meetings
- Ginninderra Catchment Group meeting
- Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee meeting
- Wagga Urban Landcare Group meeting
- Junee Area Landcare Network meeting
- Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group meeting
- Molongolo Catchment Group meeting
- Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group meeting
- Southern ACT Catchment Group general meeting
- The structure of Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment
- Griffith area landholders combine gardening and conservation
- Humour break - I'm Farming and I Grow it
- New job opportunities with Landcare New South Wales
- RACA NSW Environment and Landcare Award
- Request to all livestock producers
- Farmers spread climate change concerns
- Monaro Landscape Connectivity project - June 2012 Newsletter
- NRM Notes - July newsletter
- Atlas of Living Australia
- Australian Year of the Farmer
15th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum
Re-valuing rangelands - 15th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum

Funding Opportunities
Bob Hawke Landcare Award - nominations open!
The Bob Hawke Landcare Award celebrates an individual who has been involved in championing the Landcare ethic and inspiring others to take action on their own property or through a Landcare group. This award acknowledges an individual who has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to caring for the land; champions better practices; and gives their time to share knowledge with others so that they too can prosper.
Coles Junior Landcare School Garden grants
Junior Landcare 'Perfect patch of green' grants
The Myer Foundation - Education small grants program
Upcoming Events
Better Sunflowers
One-day certified agronomic workshops for growers, agronomists and advisers
When: Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Location: Kidman Wayside Inn, Griffith
Gain the technical skills and knowledge to achieve reliable and profitable Sunflower production in 2012 by attending the Better Sunflower workshop presented by the Australian Oilseeds Federation, the Australian Sunflower Association and the Grains Research Development Corporation. The day includes a mix of theory, demonstrations and hands-on activities.
Photography for field work 1-day workshop
This 1-day non-Certificate workshop is designed for people required to take digital photographs in the undertaking of their work duties.
Weed Risk Assessment workshop
18th July - Camden NSW
This 1 day workshop outlines the Weed Risk Management system (WRM) developed by NSW DPI.
Physical Property Planning course - limited places available
If you are interested in a Physical Property Planning course there is currently some funding available through RuralBiz Training.
One of the main attractions with the Physical Property Planning course is it gives you the chance to learn computerised mapping to set up your own Farm Plan, which shows you what your farm could look like in 5, 10, 20 or more years time.
For more information concerning the course or the funding contact Robyn on 6884 8812 or
Investing in Experience (Skills & Recognition Training)
The Australian Government is investing $20 million over two years to assist mature age workers (aged 50 years and over) to gain formal recognition of their current competencies and receive training to fill any knowledge or skills gaps.
Employers can be paid up to $4,400 (incl. GST) for each worker aged 50 years and over.
Caring for our critical aquatic inland habitats
Come along to share your local knowledge about the Murrumbidgee River System. Hear from and talk with a range of speakers:
- James McGuire, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Senior Wetlands & Rivers Conservation Officer - Murrumbidgee
- Mark Mitchell, NSW Office of Water: Environmental Water Shepherding Project
Grasslands Conference Registrations Due
Grasslands Conference runs from 24-26 July.
Registrations close 16 July
Annual Graham Centre sheep field day - Wagga Wagga
'Don't be a drifter' herbicide use workshop - Kambah (ACT)
NSW 'Partners in Grain' tech expo - Wagga Wagga
2012 CANFA conference - Griffith
National Tree Day
Annual Graham Centre beef field day - Wagga Wagga
16th Australian Agronomy Conference
National Landcare Conference
Landcare Group meetings
Ginninderra Catchment Group
Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee meeting
Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare group meeting
Junee Area Landcare Network meeting
Kyeamba Valley Landcare group meeting
Molonglo Catchment Group meeting
Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group meeting
Southern ACT Catchment Group meeting
The structure of Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment
Have you ever wondered who all the Landcare players are, and where they all fit? Are you confused about who Landcare Australia and Landcare NSW are, and how they can assist your group or network?
Check out our clear and simple flyer, designed to help you understand who everyone is and where they all fit!
Griffith area landholders combine gardening and conservation
On Tuesday 19th June 30 landholders and gardeners from Griffith, Coleambally, Rankins Springs and the surrounding area gathered in Griffith to visit the inspirational farm gardens of Trevor and Gerardine Hill, and Nayce and Helen Dalton.
Humour break - I'm Farming and I Grow it
If you're looking for a quick pick-me-up or a break from work, check out this humorous Youtube music video by a group of young farmers from the US - I'm Farming and I Grow It. It's sure to put a smile on your face!
New job opportunities with Landcare New South Wales
Landcare NSW Inc (LNSW) currently have two positions available that will support the work of the volunteer executive of Landcare NSW.
Landcare NSW Executive Officer
Employment Terms: 4-5 days per week, (28 -35 hours) flexible
Location: Subject to negotiation
RACA NSW Environment and Landcare Award
Nominations are now open for the Environment & Landcare Award through this year’s NSW/ACT Regional Achievement & Community Awards.
Request to all livestock producers
NSW DPI (Helen Burns) has a significant project with Meat & Livestock Australia to get a snapshot of nutrient management practices for the pastures across southern Australia. One component of the project is a comprehensive survey that looks at what producers are doing, why and who is guiding nutrient decisions. We encourage any livestock producers amongst you to fill in this survey, and prom
Farmers spread climate change concerns
Farmers from South Australia's Eyre Peninsula, Cecilia Woolford and Brian Foster, have been visiting their farming neighbours to encourage measures to adapt to a variable climate and develop resilient farming practices.
Hear them share their message with ABC Bush Telegraph.
Attn: Lucerne Growers
A new Factsheet "Lucerne varieties 2012" is now available on the NSW DPI website
Monaro Landscape Connectivity project - June 2012 Newsletter
The MLC project team have just released the first ever edition of the MLC Newsletter! Our newsletter aims to give you an update on what has been happening in the project, what is coming up, and some other useful information about managing native vegetation in the Monaro region.
NRM Notes - July newsletter
The latest issue of NRM Notes can be downloaded below (Please note: it is a big file!)
NRM Notes is a newsletter produced by the Invasive Animals CRC, dedicated to regional groups who work cooperatively to reduce the impacts of pest animals in their area. It's full of good news and stories that describe how groups are approaching pest management in their area.
Atlas of Living Australia
Australian Year of the Farmer