The Country Web - Women Crossing Boundaries

The Number 57 edition of The Country Web has the theme 'Women crossing boundaries' and is available now.
This edition showcases many women from throughout New South Wales who are shining their light in various industries and jobs that up until recently have been seen as traditionally male areas.
Some of the women featured include: farmers, geologists, painters, mechanics, electricians, engineers, shearers and rangers. They come from industries such as grains, forestry, mining, automotive and public relations.
Each of the women tell their own personal story about how they got into the industry, why they love doing what they do and some of the challenges and opportunities they have had as a result of their chosen career path. They share their wisdom and provide some strategies and tips for women and girls who may be considering a career in related fields.
The issue also pays tribute to a wonderful rural ambassador, Fran Rowe, who was earlier this year named The 2012 NSW Woman of the Year.