Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No 16 - August 2012

Funding Opportunities
Grants to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations
Fish Habitat Action Grants
Habitat Grants are Now Open
The Habitat Action Program:
- supports the improvement of recreationally important fish populations
- engages recreational anglers in fish habitat actions through the Fishers for Fish Habitat project
- provides devolved habitat action grants to enhance fisheries in NSW.
The Habitat Action Program is funded by the revenue raised by the NSW recreational fishing fee. Angling clubs, individuals, community groups, local councils and organisations interested in rehabilitating fish habitats in freshwater and saltwater areas throughout NSW can apply for grants.
Scholarships available for rural people
Upcoming Events
National Threatened Species Day
National Threatened Species Day (NTSD) is held on 7 September each year - commemorating the death of the last Tasmanian tiger at Hobart Zoo in 1936. Events are held nationally throughout September - Biodiversity Month. Australia's landscapes and species have been severely impacted by over 200 years of habitat loss and fragmentation.
Photography for field work 1-day workshop
This 1-day non-Certificate workshop is designed for people required to take digital photographs in the undertaking of their work duties.
The Paddock Providore - 100 Mile Dinner
The Paddock Providore 100 Mile Dinner is being held to celebrate the Year of the Farmer and to showcase the fantastic local produce in this wonderful food producing region.
Plant identification for grassy ecosystems - Deniliquin
Grass Identification Workshops - Yanco
NSW & ACT Twitchathon 2012
ANPC 9th National Conference
The Australian Network for Plant Conservation (ANPC) 9th National Conference Plant Conservation in Australia: Achievements and Future Directions will held in Canberra, from 29th October to 2nd November 2012.
Landcare Group Meetings
Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group - Meeting
Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee
Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group
Junee Area Landcare Network
Wagga Urban Landcare Group - Meeting
Molongolo Catchment Group - Meeting
Ginninderra Catchment Group
The Country Web - Women Crossing Boundaries
The Number 57 edition of The Country Web has the theme 'Women crossing boundaries' and is available now.
iPhone and iPad apps for Australian agriculture
NSW DPI have compiled a list of useful iPhone and iPad apps for Australian agriculture. The list is available to download below. For more information visit
DPI Weed Training Calendar
Downloadable below is the latest version of NSW DPI's Weeds Training Calendar which now includes dates for the Vertebrate Pest Management Course, Weed Movement, Machinery Inspection and Cleaning and the SMARTtrain AQF V Chemical Application courses.
Conservation Tillage Refundable Tax Offset
From 1 July 2012, a 15% refundable tax offset (RTO) is available on the purchase of new conservation seeding equipment.
WANTED: Feral Photos
Vote for Australia’s favourite environmental hero!
Taking place in Sydney during Landcare Week, the 2012 National Landcare Awards celebrate the passion and diversity of Landcare, a grass-roots movement of farmers and community volunteers who protect and restore Australia’s land and coast.
The Changing Face of Landcaring
New option for control of Windmill Grass