Local Land Services

Edit 3: Landcare NSW has their own LLS information and feedback portal.
Edit 2: Panel calls for feedback on draft Local Land Services boundaries
Please submit your feedback on the proposed new LLS boundaries by Friday 7th December 2012.
Edit: Have your say on the new LLS
From the Department of Primary Industries:
On Thursday October 4th 2012 Minister for Primary Industries, Katrina Hodgkinson, announced the amalgamation of existing agricultural and natural resource management agencies into a new Local Land Services organisation.
From January 2014, Local Land Services will deliver functions currently provided by 13 Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) and 14 Livestock Health & Pest Authorities (LHPAs) and agriculture advisory services of Agriculture NSW (part of the Department of Primary Industries).
"Local Land Services will be regionally-based, semi-autonomous, statutory organisations, which are governed by locally elected and skills-based Board members, delivering services for farmers and landowners."
- agricultural advice
- plant and animal pest control and biosecurity
- natural resource management
- emergency and disaster assessment and response.