Changes to DPI weeds training

Until December 2012 the Weeds Training Program is the delivery vehicle for relevant, high quality, nationally accredited training in a wide range of weed management subjects.
However, in December 2012 a number of changes to weed management training will take place:
- All Weeds Training Program courses (except for Legal Stages 1-2-3 and Weed Officer Induction) will be transferred to PROfarm. PROfarm is a training program developed by NSW DPI and offers many other courses that are relevant to weed management, including SMARTtrain, off-road 4wd and quad bike handling. Training which the Weeds Training Program currently offers will still be available through PROfarm; only the contacts and registration process will change.
- The Weeds Training Program will cease to exist as a separate entity.
- Weed Officer Induction will only be offered once per year at Camden – register on the Weeds Extranet or NSW DPI weed management training.
- Legal stage 1 will be offered as an online course – register on the Weeds Extranet or NSW DPI weed management training
- Legal stages 2-3 registrations will need to made directly with the Australian Centre for Environmental Compliance.
For further information contact Harry Rose, DPI Education Officer Weeds (Mon-Wed only).
T: 02 6563 6803 l M: 0428 437 158 l E: .