Land Manager Training - expression of interest

Land managers in the NSW Murrumbidgee Catchment are encouraged to submit an expression of interest form for the following training opportunities made available through the Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority.
Many of the courses are fully subsidised by the MCMA.
Training Courses
- Applied Grazing
- Climate Risk and Farm Water Supply
- Drought Recovery Strategies
- Grazing for Profit
- Holistic Resource Management
- Integrated Weed ManagementM
- Landscan
- Landscan Abridged
- Managing Land Capability, Soil Erosion and Groundcover
- Paddock Plants
- Prograze
- Prograze Abridged
- Prograze Plus
- StockPlan
- Tactical Grazing Management for Semi Arid Rangelands
Registrations for training will close on 30th June 2007
Land Manager Training brochure
Land Manager Training Expression of Interest form.
For more information contact Trudy Polson at Yass on ph.6118 6010 or