NSW Heritage Grants - Aboriginal Heritage Projects

To be eligible, projects must:
- Provide or assist in the interpretation of culturally significant Aboriginal places
- Record or document significant Aboriginal community events, including contemporary community events
- Focus on mission housing and reserves
- Focus on grave sites and cemeteries conservation and restoration
- Focus on travelling stock routes and trading routes
- Focus on industries including pastoralism, fishing and forestry
- Shared history projects and social themes including showgrounds, race courses, world wars etc
- Contribute to Aboriginal tourism
- Encourage communities to record oral histories and collections to increase understanding between
- generations and communities
- Research of a place, an area or event/s
- Provide on-ground site interpretation for socially significant places/sites such as walkways, signs, trails,
- mapping of tracks or places
- Educate communities on their cultural heritage through media such as brochures, DVDs and publications
- Undertake physical conservation works arising from site planning and history projects.
Priority will be given to projects that:
- Assist Aboriginal heritage items listed on the State Heritage Register
- Assist and lead to Aboriginal heritage nominations and listing on the State Heritage Register
- Are oral history projects: traditional or contemporary
- Are physical site interpretation projects for socially significant places/sites such as walkways, signs, trails,
- mapping of tracks or places
- Support or target young people (30 years or under)
Who can apply:
- Aboriginal organisation or community group
- Local councils or shire, other organisations or consultants working in partnership with an Aboriginal applicant
- Individuals that have the support of the local Aboriginal community
- However, you CAN NOT apply for funding if you are a state or local government agency undertaking work as part of your statutory responsibilities (but you may be involved as a project partner to a community organisation, individual or business)
- You must discuss your project with the Heritage Office.
There is no deadline for these applications.
Contact the Senior Aboriginal Heritage Officer - Tanya.Koeneman@planning.nsw.gov.au or phone 02 9873 8534.
For further information about the grant, go to http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/Heritage/funding/aboriginalproj.htm or telephone: (02) 9873 8577