Dilmah Water Quality Funding - Best Tea, Best Water

Freshly brewed grants on offer to help groups and schools improve our water quality.
The ‘Best Tea, Best Water' Grants Programme is offering a new round of grants to community groups and schools to improve water quality in their local area.
The Grants Programme is an initiative of Landcare Australia and its partner Dilmah Single Origin 100% Pure Ceylon Tea. Through the grants, landcare community groups and schools around Australia will now have better ability to monitor and improve the quality of their water in their local area.
Grants of up to $1,650 (inc GST) are up for grabs. Schools and community groups are able to apply for the following:
- Water quality testing kits for community groups and schools
- Water quality testing training
- Water quality testing kit consumables and additions
Your local Waterwatch facilitator or coordinator can provide help with planning your water monitoring activities. For more information, go to http://www.waterwatch.org.au/contacts.html
Closing Date: Applications for funding will close 26th October, 2007.