Forging the Links Forum

for South-West NSW
Lachlan, Murrumbidgee
& Murray Catchments
National Parks Association of NSW wishes to invite you to participate in a forum to share information and identify planning directions and opportunities for improved conservation outcomes in South-West NSW.
Many studies have been conducted in the area and Catchment Management Authorities, State Government and other organisations are funding projects to enhance and protect biodiversity in the region.
The NSW Government has identified a series of state-wide targets for biodiversity and natural resource management in the State Plan released in November 2006.
National Parks Association of NSW is interested in connecting up current knowledge and processes for natural resource management with the opportunities on the ground to achieve positive conservation outcomes and the identified targets.
Your participation in helping to 'Forge the Links' will greatly assist the achievement of these goals.
Friday 22 June, 9.30 am - 5.00 pm
Wagga Wagga Council Meeting Room
Cnr Bayliss & Morrow Sts
RSVP by Friday 15th June by email or phone:
Bev Smiles
ph. 02-6373 4330