'Climate change and rainfall variability" - Eastern Riverina Landcare Network AGM

The Eastern Riverina Landcare Network are proud to present guest speaker, Perry Wiles, from the National Climate Services Centre, Bureau of Meteorology, at a dinner on Friday 13th July at 6.30pm.
All landcarers and newcomers are welcome to join us.
Perry will be addressing, "Climate Change and Rainfall Variability: Observed trends for Australia, NSW and the Riverina."
The Eastern Riverina Landcare Network will be holding their AGM at this event. The AGM will seek to install a new executive to continue the important work of the Network in representing landcare in the region.
Date: 13th July
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Henty Community Club, South Street, Henty
Cost: $20 per person.
RSVP: Sarah Hobgen by Friday 6th July - 0427 288001 / 6929 3555 for catering purposes.