NSW DPI update

1. New diuron permit for lucerne use.
2. New DPI publications available - multiple topics.
Details below.
New Diuron permit for lucerne use
A new permit will soon be available for Diuron use on lucerne at low rates.
NSW DPI has been working with chemical companies and the APVMA to get up a permit for low rate usage.
The APVMA is OK with use of low rates of diuron but the low rate has to be on the label before they can issue a new permit..
It is expected that a new label will be released before the current permit expires at the end of 2013.
This will have some changes on the weed spectrum and some details specific to its use with Sprayseed but it means you will still be able to use it for winter cleaning of lucerne.
Pasture varieties used in NSW 2012-13
Weed control in summer crops 2012-13
2012 Ricecheck recommendations
Rice crop protection guide 2012
Rice varieties 2012
Available at the upcoming rice meetings or please contact Mary-Anne Lattimore (P: 02 6951 2695 M: 0427401469 E: mary-anne.lattimore@dpi.nsw.gov.au) if you would like any of them sent to you.