Cross property planning project update - May 2013

Blackberries and St John’s wort the focus of Integrated Weed Management planning workshops
Over the past three months, the Cross Property Planning project has contracted Alison Elvin from Natural Capital to work with individual landholders in the Humula and Kyeamba groups to develop whole of property integrated weed management plans.
All landholders who worked with Alison had already completed a three day Integrated Weed Management workshop delivered by Jenene Kidston from NSW DPI. This covered the basics of integrated weed management from understanding plants and risk assessments; control methods and strategies; and guidelines for developing plans.
The individual plans, developed in consultation with the landholder and Alison, were designed to identify threats to biodiversity and production on their properties; the location of the major infestations of identified weeds; and included a 5-10 year management and monitoring strategy based on a combination of cultural, mechanical and chemical controls.
The final workshop in this series was held on the 7th May at Humula and 8th May at Ladysmith, with presentation from both Alison and Jenene. Topics included: native grasses, grazing and soil health in weed management; and strategies versus control methods for blackberries and St John’s wort. Landholders were given the opportunity to review their proposed plans with Alison and also to attend a site with a locally common invasive weed issue where management options could be explored.
On-ground weed management work identified and undertaken through the plans will be partially funded through a $4,000 grant to the individual landholders, with further funding available in 2014.
Alison Elvin assists Mary and Bim Nicholls a the Humula workshop.
Steve and Sarah Palmer examining the aerial map of their property ‘Kyeamba Downs’ at the Ladysmith workshop.