Archibull Prize

Expressions of Interest are now open for the 2014 Archibull Prize.
How Does the Project Work?
The Archibull Prize is an integrated program which will engage secondary and primary school students in agricultural and environmental awareness through art, design, creativity and teamwork by:
- Providing a blank, life-sized fibreglass cow for students to create an artwork on or to use as the subject of an artwork which focuses on the following theme:-
“What does it take to sustainably feed and clothe your community for a day?” - Giving each school their own primary (food or fibre) industry to explore and showcase. In 2014 this will be Beef or Dairy or Wool or Cotton.
- Pairing schools with Young Farming Champions and Young Eco Champions who share their sustainable farming journey and work with the students throughout the duration of the project.
- Supplying a resource kit with curricular connections.
- Supplying Matisse paints.
- Connecting farmers, natural resource managers and industry and community experts with students.
» Watch a presentation to see what the Archibull Prize is and how it works.