Small Grants for Small Rural Communities

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Program summary
A small grants program for small rural Australian communities will offer grants to benefit people in rural and remote communities.
Small, well targeted grants can be useful to small rural and remote communities and to make small grants more accessible to communities in rural Australia we have established this new and innovative funding program.
The program is generously supported by The RE Ross Trust, The Myer Foundation, The Pratt Foundation, The William Buckland Foundation, Perpetual Trustees, The Sylvia & Charles Viertel Foundation, DoTaRS - Department of Transport & Regional Services and FRRR.
Key dates
Applications close 30 September 2007
There are two rounds of Small Grants per year.
Closing dates are 31 March and 30 September 2007.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling cycle.
Who can apply?
Not-for-profit Organisations.
To be eligible, projects must be for a charitable purpose. As this a collaborative fund there are some funds which are restricted either to Deductible Gift Recipients (DGRs) or to within Victoria, though the greater portion of unrestricted funds are available for general charitable purposes. All applications for projects which are charitable will be received and considered. Organisations should also have an ABN.
Organisations demonstrating Community Partnerships will be preferred to multiple applications from one community
What will be funded?
Projects and activities that offer clear public benefit for communities living in small rural and remote locations in Australia, contributing to their development in social and community welfare, economic, environmental, health, education or cultural areas.
Current priorities
- Community hardship in drought effected areas
- Retention of young people in Rural and Regional Australia.
- Resettlement of immigrants in rural Australia
- Community Infrastructure
- Rural communities of 10,000 or less
- Community partnerships
How much funding is available?
Total $300,000 in amounts up to $5,000 each grant
More information
Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Postal Address: PO Box 41 Bendigo VIC 3552
Phone: 1800 170 020
Fax: 03 5443 8900