Riverina LLS board now complete

The election of three representatives to the Riverina LLS means that Board is now complete, comprising both government appointed and rate-payer elected representatives. Elected Board members are:
- John Davey
- Helen Dalton
- Peter Speirs
MLi looks forward to working with the new LLS Board, seeking opportunities for collaborations to strengthen and grow community Landcare networks and greater land holder engagement in NRM and the uptake of sustainable agricultural practices.
The new LLS structure publicly promotes community consultation as vital to its operation. From the LLS website
» http://riverina.lls.nsw.gov.au/about-lls/community-consultation
Community consultation
Local Land Services (LLS) is committed to engaging local communities, industry and land manager groups.
LLS Boards are accountable for how the organisation engages with its communities and stakeholders.
Local Community Advisory Group
Each local LLS board will establish one or more local community advisory groups for its region as a requirement of the Local Land Services Act.
Local community advisory group members must be suitably qualified to serve on the group and represent the interests of the local community and stakeholders in the region.
The local board will prepare terms of reference for these local community advisory groups.
Local Boards devolve operational management and planning functions to regional levels to facilitate targeted local delivery of programs and services to meet community, client and customer needs.