‘Reaching Beyond Demo Reaches’ film

The upper bidgee demonstration reach will be included in an upcoming short film about all the demonstration reach projects across the Murray Darling Basin as part of a NSW DPI project called ‘Reaching Beyong Demo Reaches’. The film will take viewers on an intimate journey across the basin to meet the fish and the (people) communities which call each demo reach area their home. It will highlight the importance and success of interventions which are occurring across the basin which are assisting the ongoing survival of our threatened fish (in our case Macquarie perch and Trout cod) and other species.
Nathan Smith, of Nathan James Productions, spent three days (24-26 ,March) with the UMDR interviewing those involved in the reach and taking footage for the film, which included flights of a remote controlled camera carrying drone for aerial shots. Nathan’s respectful and open style was appreciated by all and despite some weather, he was able to complete filming successfully. Unfortunately, due to the shortness of the film, Nathan was not able to interview all the wonderful people that have been involved in the reach since it was established and was only able to visit a few sites. These sites included the Bumbalong Valley to look at revegetation works, Casuarina Sands for an electrofishing demo and the engineered log jams at Tharwa. Nathan also met up with Rainer Rehwinkel (president of K2C) to talk about the importance of riverine and riparian corridors (such as the upper bidgee demo reach) to landscape connectivity.
What is the Upper Murrumbidgee Demonstration Reach (UMDR)?
To find out more about the upper bidgee demo reach go to
» http://www.upperbidgee reach.org.au
Contact Antia, UMDR facilitator on 0429778633.