Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No.29 - June 2014

Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc (MLi) is a not-for-profit organisation representing community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our e-news is a project of MLi and the Regional Landcare Facilitator project, Murrumbidgee. Please contact us to have content included in our next, monthly e-news.

Pasture and cropping update with agronomist, Phil Bowden, as part of the Cross-property planning project.
» News
» Upcoming events
» Project updates
» Funding
» For Schools
» Landcare resources
» Landcare meetings
» Research + opinion
» Community Newsletters
- Greg Hunt promises money for community Landcare
- Crowdfunding - The Landcare & Environment Collection
- Propose a Pozible project
- Has Silverleaf Nightshade been a nightmare to control on your farm?
- M.I.A - Winner of Riverina Playwright Commission
- African Lovegrass unearthed workshop - we learnt a lot
- The Koala Count
- 20 years of trees in doubt? - Prime 7 News
- Soil biology workshop - call for expressions of interest
- Bob Hawke Landcare Award – Call for nominations
- Congratulations Tom Baker, OAM
- Landcare 25 years logo now available
- Graduate Certificate in Climate Change for Primary Industries
- NSW Seasonal Conditions Report - June 2014
- Survey - Payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs at the farm scale
- Survey - crime on farms
- FARMLINK Winter Bus Tour - Landcare members subsidised - CANCELLED
- Students of Sustainabillity (SOS) conference - 1 - 5 July 2014
- Practicalities of pasture cropping workshop - 15 July 2014
- Your future agricultural workforce - 17 July 2014
- Grassland Society Annual Conference - 22 July 2014
- F'art in the bush - 6 August 2014
- 2014 Australian Controlled Traffic Farming Conference - 26 August 2014
- Bushcare's Major Day Out - 7 September 2014
- 2014 National Landcare Conference & awards - 17-19 September 2014
- Pasture and cropping update
- Evaluation of landholder expectations, knowledge...
- National Landcare Conference presentation
- Funding to attend National Landcare Conference
- Funding to support Landcare groups
- NSW Environmental Trust funding
- Students of Sustainabillity (SOS) conference - 1 - 5 July 2014
- Schools Tree Day - 25 July 2014
- Schools Round Robin - 15th October 2014
- Queanbeyan Landcare - 1 July 2014
- Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare - 2 July 2014
- Kyeamba Valley Landcare - 9 July 2014
- Molonglo Catchment Group - 14 July 2014
- Tarcutta Valley Landcare - 15 July 2014
- Southern ACT Catchment Group - 22 July 2014
- Narrandera Urban Landcare - 22 July 2014
- Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee - 5 August 2014
- The Murrumbidgee Naturalist, June 2014 Issue #216