Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No.31 - August 2014

» News
» Upcoming events
» Funding
» For Schools
» Landcare meetings
» Newsletters
- Opportunity for Landcare input into Riverina LLS local strategic plan
- Soil biology workshop - call for expressions of interest
- Can a sheep farm be a biodiversity haven?
- National Landcare Programme consultation survey
- 25 years of Landcare grants - Media release
- Rural women encouraged to enter top award
- Harden Murrumburrah Landcare Award
- Has Silverleaf Nightshade been a nightmare to control on your farm?
- 2014 National Landcare People’s Choice Award
- Sustainability survey
- State of native plants in the ACT - 20 August
- Gang-Gang survey - August muster count - 21 August 2014
- National Food and Farming Forum - 21 August 2014
- Opportunity for Landcare input into Riverina LLS local strategic plan - 21 August 2014
- Wattle Day Walks - Young & Grenfell - 22 August 2014
- National Landcare Conference earlybird registration - 25 August 2014
- 2014 Australian Controlled Traffic Farming Conference - 26 August 2014
- Carbon Market Institute Information session - Dubbo - 26 August 2014
- Yass Landcare Wetlands Walk at 'Nanima Gold' - 31 August 2014
- 19th Australasian Weeds Conference - 1 September 2014
- Box Thorn field day Hay - 2 September 2014
- Silver Leaf Nightshade workshop - 2 September 2014
- South East Landcare Muster - 2 September 2014
- Cropping & pasture systems field day - 3 September 2014
- Spring Farming Forum - Temora - 5 September 2014
- Bushcare's Major Day Out - 7 September 2014
- Murray Darling Basin Plan community meeting - Griffith - 11 September 2014
- 5th National Malleefowl Forum - 12 September 2014
- NSW Rural Women's Gathering - 12 September 2014
- Spring Campout to Hunthawang National Park
- Yass Landcare Soil Biology Workshop - 14 September 2014
- South East LLS local customer forum - 16 September 2014
- 2014 National Landcare Conference & awards - 17-19 September 2014
- Biodiversity survey - Kajuligah Nature Reserve - 20 September 2014
- Henty Machinery Field Days - 23 September 2014
- Murrumbateman Field Days - 18 October 2014
- Friends of Grasslands conference - 30 October 2014
For more upper Murrumbidgee catchment events, see » ACT Landcare
- Funding to attend National Landcare Conference
- Keep NSW Beautiful - Community Litter Grants - 29 August 2014
- Restoration and rehabilitation grants - 19 September 2014
- Saving Our Species partnership grants - 29 September 2014
- RAS Foundation Rural Scholarships - 30 September 2014
- RE Ross Trust grants
- Funding to support Landcare groups
- Crowdfunding - The Landcare & Environment Collection
- Keep Australia Beautiful week - 19 August 2014
- Cool Australia's Enviroweek - 25 August 2014
- National Biodiversity Month - September 2014
- Schools Round Robin - 15th October 2014
- The Matrix in Ecology - animation
- Taylors Creek Landcare Group - 18 August 2013
- Tarcutta Valley Landcare - 19 August 2014
- Bowning & Bookham District Landcare Group - 21 August 2014
- Southern ACT Catchment Group - 26 August 2014
- Narrandera Urban Landcare - 26 August 2014
- Binalong Landcare - 1 September 2014
- Queanbeyan Landcare - 2 September 2014
- Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare - 3 September 2014
- Molonglo Catchment Group - 8 September 2014
- Kyeamba Valley Landcare - 10 September 2014
- Yass Area Network - AGM - 11 September 2014
- Tarcutta Valley Landcare - 16 September 2014
- Southern ACT Catchment Group - 23 September 2014
- Narrandera Urban Landcare - 23 September 2014
- Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc AGM - 28 October 2014
- Landcare Support NSW news
- The Murrumbidgee Naturalist - the newsletter of the Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists
- WAG tales - newsletter of the Lachlan Fold Wildlife Action Group
- The Weed's News Digest
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc (MLi) is a not-for-profit organisation representing community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our e-news is a project of MLi and the Regional Landcare Facilitator project, Murrumbidgee. Please contact us to have content included in our next, monthly e-news.