Understanding the capacity of NRMs to manage invasive animal impacts: Results from the 2013 National NRM Survey

Title | Understanding the capacity of NRMs to manage invasive animal impacts: Results from the 2013 National NRM Survey |
Publication Type | Report |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Authors | Marsh J, Brown A |
Corporate Authors | Invasive Animals CRC |
Document Number | Web ISBN: 978-1-921777-53-0 |
Abstract | As part of an Australian Government initiative, a network of 56 Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions was established across Australia in 2004. The NRM regional agencies (or NRMs), which operate differently in each State and Territory, are all responsible for the delivery of various government environmental and NRM programs under the auspices of the Australian Government Caring for our Country program. Over the course of their development, the NRMs have sought ad hoc advice and assistance from the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre (IA CRC) on how to effectively manage pest animals in order to meet their strategic goals and regional targets. The need for better interaction and coordination on pest management with the NRMs and other important stakeholder groups led to the establishment of the NRM Liaison and Engagement project (referred to as ‘the NRM project’). Regional capacity to deal with pest issues can be significantly increased through greater awareness of relevant natural resource issues and threats, increased knowledge of management techniques and skills in planning, implementation and monitoring as well as regular communication and dialogue across the NRM sector. The NRM project aims to provide specialist support to the NRM regions and other land managers via the National NRM Facilitator role and targeted capacity building activities, to help develop the knowledge and skills required to counteract the impacts of pest animals on agricultural production and biodiversity. The project brings public and private land managers together to adopt an integrated approach towards reducing the impacts of invasive animals using best practice management techniques, producing better long-term outcomes for all stakeholders and Australia’s natural resources. In order to ensure the NRM project is meeting the needs and expectations of its target audience, we surveyed staff responsible for pest animal management in each of the 54 NRM regions. The National NRM Survey (hereafter, the ‘NRM Survey’) was designed to collect regional NRM staff thoughts, needs and issues regarding pest animal management information and expertise. Produced by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre as part of the PestSmart series. |