Tracking Bunyip Birds - Crowdfunding success

The Bitterns in Rice Project’s crowd funding campaign to raise $50,000 has been a great success.
From Matt Herring:
G'day Bunyip Bird Supporters,
We're thrilled and humbled by your support. You're probably already aware, but the clock stopped this morning and our target was well and truly reached.
We couldn't pledge in advance of all of the non-direct contributions (e.g. cheques) but altogether we raised at least $63 000, meaning we can track at least 9 nine birds.
We thank all of you for getting behind us and helping to make this project a reality. It's going to be amazing.
We'll be in touch regarding your rewards. Our next steps are gaining various approvals and trialling different options before our first bitterns are transmitting their movements back to us.
We'll keep you posted.
Best regards and thanks again, Matt Herring for Team Bunyip Birds