Seeking WildCount volunteers

The Office of Environment (OEH) 2015 WildCount field season is seeking support from volunteers .
It is easy to believe that common native animals like kangaroos, possums, lyrebirds and wombats will always be around. Is it possible, that, despite being relatively common, they are in decline?
WildCount aims to answer this question.
WildCount is a 10-year fauna monitoring program that uses motion-sensitive digital cameras in 200 sites across 146 parks and reserves in eastern NSW. WildCount looks at trends in occurrence of animals at these sites, to understand if animals are in decline, increasing or stable.
A number of five day field trips (Monday to Friday) will be running from late February through to May 2015. It is hoped that each field trip will be supported by volunteers to assist staff to set up motion-sensitive cameras and record basic habitat and floristic data at each survey site .
Individuals who are interested can go to the WildCount web site or contact a member of the Wild Count Team on (02) 9585 6422 for further information.