
Florabank, Australia’s most valued native seed resource has been re-launched, thanks to funding from the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust.
Florabank will bring together information, people and resources relating to native Australian seed. Over the next two years, a partnership between Greening Australia and ENSIS (The Joint Forces of CSIRO and SCION) will build on the existing Florabank resources and revitalise Florabank’s role in the native seed industry. The new Florabank website was officially launched by the Honorable Malcolm Turnbull, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, on August 28 2007.
The aim of Florabank is to increase the availability of good quality seed for large-scale revegetation projects around Australia.
To do this, we are:
- providing training for professional seed collectors
- providing and updating seed information resources for all people who work with or use seed
- working with the Native Seed Industry on a national level
Florabank Training is a professional development course which covers recent developments and in-depth knowledge about physical and genetic seed quality, provenance and seed collection, storage and management techniques. Assessment is workplace-based. The cost of this course has been generously subsidised by the Australian Government through the Natural Heritage Trust.
To find out more or to express your interest in the NSW Florabank Training Course, please see our website www.florabank.org.au
You can also email the Florabank Coordinator, at general@florabank.org.au or call via Greening Australia on (02) 6281 8585