New peak body for community Landcare in the ACT

LandcareACT had its public launch on 13 June 2015 at Garran, ACT
LandcareACT is a new “peak body” which is being formed to represent and support the wide diversity of community landcarers in the ACT region. There are over 60 Landcare groups in the ACT region including urban Landcare, Parkcare Groups, rural, junior and Aboriginal Landcare groups, Waterwatch and Frogwatch volunteers, rural landholders and Aboriginal traditional custodians.
LandcareACT was initiated by the ACT’s three catchment groups (Ginninderra, Molonglo and Southern ACT), who provide support for many landcare groups across the ACT and in surrounding NSW. It will be inclusive of rural landholders in the region and the local Aboriginal community.